- Students can arrive on campus at 8:00 a.m.
- Car Riders will enter through the side gate
- Walkers will enter through the side gate
- Bus riders will enter from the bus zone
Dismissal- Car Riders
Please be patient the first couple of school days while students are arriving and dismissing. Dismissal will start at 2:55 p.m.
All students during car dismissal will wait inside the cafeteria. Use the side loop for student drop off/pickup. Parents of car riders, please make sure you have the hang tag that was provided at the beginning of the school year. Please place it in your front windshield so that your student can be called to load by school personnel.
- Walker
Students will be released from the small gate at the front of the school
- Bus
Bus riders will be released to their assigned bus. Bus riders MUST be assigned to a bus. Bus registration may be found on the Parent Focus Account.
Early Check-Out
Students will not be able to be checked out past 2:00 p.m. on regular school days and 12:00 p.m. on Early Dismissal Days.
Please Remember:
· Do not park in side bus loop.
- Do not block the front of the school.