Student, Parent, and Staff Expectations
- Strive for excellence and meet the standards in all classes.
- Attend school daily.
- Be on time daily.
- Respect staff and fellow students.
- Exhibit HSG pride by maintaining a clean school and demonstrating school spirit.
- Refrain from Student Code of Conduct violations.
- Complete all assignments (classwork, homework, and/or projects).
- Bring the necessary materials to class.
- Ensure that students attend school daily and on time.
- Encourage academic excellence by establishing a daily study time.
- Encourage and enroll students in school safety nets or interventions.
- Review progress reports and report cards every nine weeks.
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences to discuss academic or behavioral concerns.
- Support your child’s school by volunteering.
- Model expected behaviors.
- Respect students as individuals.
- Communicate with parents frequently regarding academic and/or behavioral concerns.
- Collaborate with colleagues to devise cross-curricular strategies.
- Use student data to guide instruction.
- Engage in continuous professional development….be a “Lifetime Learner.”