School Cash Online

    Axson Parents!

    Did you know that our school offers the convenience of online payments to parents?

    For your convenience (to avoid having to send in or bring in a check or money order), you may register for School Cash Online with the link below. It only takes 5 minutes. 

    Here is a one minute video clip that will give you a brief overview of the registration process.

     Register Online:

     Step 1:       Please click on this link:

     Step 2:       Register by selecting the “Register” and follow the steps.

     Step 3:       After you receive the confirmation email, please select the ‘click here’ option and login. You do not need to add any students to your profile if you do not want to. Also if this is your child's first year in our school and the school year hasn't started yet, you will not be able to add your child. We keep the items in the Duval County Public Schools tab for that reason. 

    Remember that all transactions on the School Cash Online website will incur a $2.50 fee. 

    If you would like to add your student to School Cash Online, you can do so by going to My Account in the upper right hand corner, click on My Students, and then click Add a Student or Add another student. Complete the form and click Confirm. Once you add your student, the tuition item will show up under their name when you log in and it's available. You can make the payment from the item under their name. 

    If you do not want to add your student or if another family member is registering to pay the tuition payments, then you can follow the directions below. 

    To make a payment, select the Duval County Public Schools Tab and type Axson into the Search field. Select the tuition payment. In the Fee Details screen (right after you click on the item you want), please uncheck Myself and type your student's or students' name(s) in the box.


    This helps us know which student you are paying for.

    If you are late making your payment, please select the item that includes the late fee. You are only late if it is 2 or more school days after the due date. Please communicate with Ms. Sandie, our tuition clerk, if you are late or plan to be late. Her email is  

    PLEASE NOTE: If you have any questions during the registration process or while using the service, you can click on Support at the bottom of the screen, and it will bring you to a Frequently Asked Questions screen as well as a phone number to call for assistance.