• Cell Phone & Electronic Devices District Policy


    1.09 Unauthorized Use of Wireless Communication Devices or Cell Phones

    Possession of a wireless communication device is not a violation of the Code of StudentConduct.  However, it is in violation of the Code of Student Conduct when the possession of a wireless communication device disrupts the educational process.  If students possess a wireless communication device, it must be turned off and kept out of sight (placed inside backpacks hanging in the hallways), unless being used for instructional purposes as determined by the Principal or teacher.  Parents/Guardians should contact students through the school office during school hours. Schools will not be held liable. For complete description of Code 1.09, reference the Code of Student Conduct.

    Elementary School Procedures:

    Anytime, regardless of the number of occurrences, the teacher notifies front office of phone being used by student and logs occurrence in “Phone/Electronic Device Log”.  Admin, security, dean, and/or support staff will retrieve phone from classroom.  Phone will be brought to central secured location for it to be labeled, placed in a Ziploc, and stored in locked area with return at end of the day to the student for the first/second offense and the parent for the third offense and beyond.   If a parent does not retrieve the phone by Friday, or the last day of the school week when Friday is a school holiday, phone will be released to student to avoid backlog of phones being stored on campus.