• My Summer Reading List
    Each summer students at JWJ are given assignments that should be completed during the summer break and turned in when they arrive back at school for their next year.  These assignments are intended to help students in several ways. First, they help students achieve their reading goals for the year. Second, they give the students an introduction to the kind of material and assignments they will experience in their new classes. Third, they keep students engaged in learning and scholarship throughout the year. These assignments are not burdensome - they will not have a heavy time commitment or interfere with summer activities unless the student waits until the week before school to start them.
    The summer assignments are designed for "rising" grade levels.  If a student has just finished 5th grade and will be arriving at JWJ as a 6th grader, he or she is considered a "rising" 6th grader and should click the 6th grade summer info link.  Likewise, if a student has just completed 6th grade, they are considered a "rising" 7th grader and should click the 7th grade link. Some assignments are specific to the course, specifically math and science. If a student took Alegbra in 7th grade, they will be enrolled in Geometry as an 8th grader. PLEASE CLICK ON YOUR APPROPRIATE GRADE LEVEL FOR MORE INFO. 
    Additionally, students are encouraged to log the other books they read over the summer. JWJ has a goal that each student reads and documents 3,750 pages during the months of June through May. Our storied and traditional celebration called READERS' BEACH is held at the end of May for those who meet the goal. Please use the JWJ READING DOCUMENTATION forms to start logging your pages. 
Last Modified on May 19, 2023