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Supply Lists for 2024 - 2025 School Year

Mandarin Oaks Elementary School

2024-2025 School Year


1st Grade

2nd Grade

4 PRIMARY Journals

6 boxes (24 ct) Crayons

4 fine point black dry-erase markers

6 Jumbo glue sticks

2 bottles pump hand soap

1 bottle hand sanitizer

2 reams white copy paper

3 boxes Large Pencils

1 plastic pencil box

1 pair blunt end scissors

1 box tissues

1 pkg. baby wipes

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 box gallon zipper bags

1 box quart zipper bags

1 pair DURABLE headphones

1 box band-aids

2 PRIMARY Journals

3 composition books

4 boxes (24 ct) Crayons

4 fine point black dry-erase markers

2 pkg. pencil cap erasers

2 pink block erasers

5 Plastic pocket and prong folders-

1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 orange

3 Jumbo glue sticks

3 bottles pump hand soap

1 pkg. yellow highlighters

3 reams white copy paper

2 boxes pre-sharpened pencils

1 plastic pencil box

1 pair scissors

2 boxes tissues

2 pkg. baby wipes

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 gallon zipper bags (boys)

1 quart zipper bags (girls)

1 pair DURABLE headphones

1 box (12 ct.) colored pencils

3 wide-rule composition books

1 box (24 ct.) crayons

1 box black fine point dry erase markers

2 large pink erasers

6 plastic pocket & prong folders-

Blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple

3 jumbo glue sticks

1 bottle hand sanitizer

2 bottles pump hand soap

1 pkg. yellow highlighters

2 boxes pre-sharpened pencils

2 reams white copy paper

1 pencil pouch

1 pair scissors

2 boxes tissues

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 quart zipper bags

1 box band-aids

1 pair DURABLE headphones



3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th  Grade

1 box (24ct.) crayons

4 dry erase markers-black

1 large pink eraser

6 plastic pocket & prong folders-

blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple

1 pkg. glue sticks

1 bottle pump hand sanitizer

3 bottles pump hand soap

1 pkg. yellow chisel highlighters

6 Spiral notebooks-

Black, blue, green, purple, red, yellow

2 reams white copy paper

3 boxes pre-sharpened pencils

1 pencil pouch

1 pair scissors

2 boxes tissues

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 gallon zipper bags (girls)

1 quart zipper bags (boys)

1 pair DURABLE headphones



1 box (12 ct.) colored pencils

5 black wide-ruled composition books

2 pkg. 4 color set dry erase markers

1 pkg. pencil cap erasers

6 plastic pocket & prong folders-

blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple

5 Jumbo glue sticks

1 bottle pump hand soap

1 pkg. chisel point highlighters- 

3 colors (yellow, blue, pink)

1 ream white copy paper

2 pkgs. 100 ct. wide rule notebook paper

5 boxes pre-sharpened pencils

1 pencil pouch

1 pair scissors

1 box tissues

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 pair DURABLE headphones


durable 1” white binder

1 box (12 ct.) colored pencils

1 pkg. 5-tab Divider Tabs

4 dry erase markers-chisel point

2 pkg. pencil cap erasers

4 plastic pocket & prong folders-

Blue, red, green, yellow

4 jumbo glue sticks

1 pkg. 4 x 4 quad graph paper

1 bottle pump hand sanitizer(boys)

1 bottle pump hand soap (girls)

1 pkg. chisel point highlighters- 

3 colors (yellow, blue, pink)

Spiral notebooks – black, blue, green, purple, red and yellow

2 reams white copy paper

2 pkg. wide rule notebook paper

4 pkg. pre-sharpened pencils

1 pencil pouch

1 pair scissors

2 pkg. 3 x 3” yellow Post-it notes

1 box tissues

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 pair DURABLE headphones





2 boxes (16 ct.) crayons

1 blue plastic w/prongs & pockets folder

2 Jumbo glue sticks

1 bottle pump hand soap

1 ream white copy paper

1 pencil pouch

1 box tissues

1 pkg. Clorox wipes

1 bottle Antibacterial hand wipes

1 pkg. gallon zipper bags

1 pair DURABLE headphones


1 box JUMBO (8 ct.) crayons

1 Kwik Stix classic colors paint (12 ct)

4 boxes tissue

3 pkg. baby wipes (unscented)

3 pkg. disinfectant wipes

1 box gallon zipper bags

1 box quart zipper bags