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A message from Principal McBride

Greetings Biscayne families!Tomorrow we are ready to welcome our stellar scholars to the 2023-2024 school year! Here are a few updates to ensure this week is a smooth opening of school.1. Please make sure you are signed up for a FOCUS account. This is very important. Everything is connected to FOCUS this year.2. DCPS has rolled out to new apps that will manage dismissal and communication. The apps are Bloomz (communication) and PikMyKid (dimissal). If you need directions on how to sign up or download apps check out our school website and social media pages for explicit directions.3. Parents will be allowed to walk their student to class on the first two days of school. On Wednesday parents will not be allowed to park in the front parking lot or walk students to class. If your student is in a special program you will receive a parking pass that will allow you to park in the parking lot.4. Please be patient and kind as we navigate the first two weeks of schools. DCPS new dismissal system PikMYKid is at every school in DCPS. Prepare yourself for long arrival and dismissal lines. Our goal is to move quickly and get every child safely to their correct dismissal and with their family.5. VPK and KDG parents please join us  in the media center promptly at 8:30am for our Boo Hoo/YaHoo breakast.Thank you for partnering with us to ensure your student leader continue to thrive. This year will be amazing because "It's A Stellar World" at "The Stellar Choice"