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2023-2024 Parent Handbook

Sallye B. Mathis Elementary,

A STEM Academy

“Your Aptitude STEMS from your Attitude”











Greetings Parents,

     In order to ensure the safety of and provide the most effective educational environment for our students here at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy; we ask that you adhere to all District and School Policies and that you encourage your student(s) to respectfully adhere to all policies as well.  Please review and discuss all pertinent information with your student(s) as they will be expected to adhere to these policies while attending Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.  Thank you again for your continued support!






Adult supervision begins at 8:00 a.m.  Therefore, in order to ensure your student’s safety, students should not arrive to school prior to 8:00 a.m. each day.

Students who arrive before the specified time will:

  1. Receive a verbal warning by the principal.
  2. Receive a written warning followed by a phone call to the parent.
  3. Principal will notify the Department of Children and Families for parental negligence.


All students, apart from bus and car riders, will enter through the walker’s gate each morning. Car riders will enter through the Car Rider Zone off Van Gundy Rd. Our VPK students must be signed in each morning in the drop off circle directly behind the cafeteria.



Breakfast will be served in your student’s classroom each morning from 8:30 a.m. – 8:40 a.m. for all Pre-K through 1st grade students and 8:00 am- 8:30 am in the cafeteria for all 2nd through 5th grade students. If your student arrives after the specified time, then he/she WILL NOT be able to eat breakfast that day.  This is important because instruction must start on time.



Research states, student achievement is greatest when students are actively engaged in a structured and organized learning environment.  Therefore, all students should be present and on time each day!

  • School begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. each day. 
  • Students arriving to school or class at 8:30 a.m. will be marked TARDY!

Tardiness is a Class 1 offense (1.05 Code of Student Conduct).  After 3 Tardies within a Nine Week period, students who arrive tardy:

  1. School staff will send home a certified letter about the problem to the parent via US mail.
  2. School staff may ask parents/guardians to come to school to discuss the problem and district procedures for Saturday School.
  3. Non-compliancy will result in both the parent and student being referred to the State Attorney’s Office.

* If your student is late to school you must pull up to the front of the school to sign them in and they will receive a late slip. This is for safety purposes and accountability on the parent’s part. If not, they will be reported to the Truant Office.


Early CHECK-OUT (ends at 2:00pm)


Please go directly to the main office to check your student in or out of school and front office staff will notify teachers.  Have your identification readily available. No Student Will Be Released Until Proper I.D. Is Shown!


Teachers will not allow students to enter or exit their rooms until informed by the main office.

No Student Check-out after 2:00 pm.  This avoids disrupting the dismissal process.  Students must be safe and accounted for during such transitions.


Parents/guardians who arrive after 2:00pm, must wait in the car riding zone (if you are in a vehicle) or walker area (if you do not have a vehicle) until your student is dismissed.


*Anyone granted permission to pick up a student from school must show proper identification (driver’s license, work I.D., etc…), INCLUDING THE PARENT! 


*Under No Circumstances Will Your Student Be Released To Anyone Not Listed On Their Student Information Card.



Students are dismissed each day as follows:

  • 2:30 V PreK
  • 2:45 Bus riders
  • 2:55 Car riders (Van Gundy Road)
  • 2:55 Walkers (Gate near parking lot)
  • 3:00 Team-up


All students should be picked up no later than 3:15 p.m. each day.  Adult supervision is not provided after 3:15 p.m.  Students who remain after the specified time will:

  1.  Receive a verbal warning by the principal.
  2.  Receive a written warning followed by a phone call to the parent.
  3.  Principal will notify the Department of Children and Families for parental negligence.


For the safety of students, car pick up will NOT be allowed by the walkers’ gate.  All pick-up involving vehicles/cars must be in the car zone.  Students that are seen getting into vehicles will report to the car-loading zone from that point on.

Parents in the car-loading zone must stay in their vehicles and will not be released to anyone walking.  If you must walk to get your student, they will be released with walkers.


** Parents must go through the car riders' line in order to pick up your student. You will not be allowed to walk up the car rider drive to pick up your student.


*** Car Riders traffic will enter going one way off Van Gundy Rd. Drivers must proceed down Van Gundy and turn around to get in line and enter the Car Rider Zone. This will help traffic flow to move faster. Please follow the directions of Mr. Gamble (School Security) and other school officials in car riders. These are the rules.


*Please Make Arrangements for How Your Student Will Get Home Each Day In Advance!!!!





We warmly welcome visitors on our campus. For the safety and security of our students and staff, all visitors must to stop at the front office to sign-in. At that time, you will receive a visitor badge that must be worn the entire time you are in the building. Before leaving the building, you must sign out. If you would like to volunteer at the school or enter classrooms or the cafeteria, please be sure to complete the volunteer application online at under the Community tab.



Students are easily influenced by adult behavior.  Therefore, we ask that all adults remember to demonstrate positive behavior while interacting with staff and students during dismissal and arrival. Any adult exhibiting unruly behavior will be asked to leave the school grounds (using profanity, making threats to cause bodily harm, refusing to adhere to school and/or district policy, disrupting academic instruction or school functions, etc…).

For any adult who refuses to comply:

  1. Principal will notify the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office that is on campus daily immediately!
  2. You will be served a No Trespassing Warrant. (If you violate the warrant, you will be subject to arrest for “Trespassing on Public School Property” – Florida Statute 810.097)


House System

Our school uses a House System during the school year. Please review the House Manual and read up on the expectations for your student this school year.  You are an important part of our House System!


Parent Dress Code

Parents must wear appropriate clothing while on campus and follow the student dress code while on campus. There should be no pajamas, low cut shirts, torn or ripped clothing, and no inappropriate language on clothing. Make sure that all body areas are covered. Failure to comply will result in you being asked to leave to school.


Student Dress Code

It is mandatory that ALL students wear uniforms at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.

  • We have a partnership with A.G. Tees to provide school uniform shirts embroidered with the school’s logo. The front office has all contact information and shirts can be purchased from the front office. We have found that the students are better behaved and take learning seriously when the clothing aspect is out of the equation. Uniform consists of red, gray, and black logo polo shirts and khaki, black, or navy pants, shorts, shirts and dresses.
  • We will also honor red, black, or gray polo uniform shirts without the school logo purchased from local stores.

Students are allowed wear House shirts or house colors on Friday (only). House shirts will be available for purchase starting in August.



Students are expected to adhere to all the district’s Elementary Code of Conduct, school rules, and classroom rules.  It is our belief that if a student disrupts the educational environment and prevents the teacher from teaching and your student from learning then he/she must be appropriately disciplined.  We are confident that with your support, together we will be able to be successful here at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.








Patrols are on post daily from (8:00 – 8:30 a.m.) and (2:45 – 3:15 p.m.).  We ask that both parents and students respect and follow the directions of our Safety Patrols here at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy. Students not conforming will be reported and appropriately disciplined!

*Please direct all questions concerning patrols to the Patrol Sponsor:

  • Ms. Robinson



Pre-K hours for students are 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  Adult Supervision is not provided until 8:00 a.m. each day.  Therefore, Pre-K students should not arrive prior to 8:00 a.m. each day.  All Pre-K students are expected to be present and on time each day!  Please remember, it is the parent’s responsibility to make arrangements to have their student picked up at 2:30 p.m. daily.  Unfortunately, parents unwilling to follow Pre-K guidelines will result in the dismissal of your student from the Pre-K program.


**VPK Drop Off and Pick Up is in the mini-car rider zone behind the Cafeteria. Students must be signed in and out daily**




A program to provide professional development for teachers by releasing students early was approved by the School Board on June 1, 2004.  The early dismissal will take place on 10 Wednesdays throughout the school year.  Dates are pending Calendar approval from the Duval County School Board.


Memos will be sent home reminding Parents of Early Dismissal Days



In case of separation, divorce, or student custody cases; the parent or legal guardian must have a court order and provide the school with a copy of who can legally pick up the student or have (school related) information pertaining to the welfare of the student {report cards, attendance, etc….}.

*Under No Circumstance Will Information Pertaining To Any Student Be Released Via Telephone. All Inquiries Must Be Made In Person With Proper Identification Available!



An Emergency Information Form must be on file for every student enrolled at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.  This form provides the school with the name of a contact person who should be notified in case of an emergency.  It also provides important information about the student should the school not be able to contact the family.  At least 2 - 3 working emergency contact numbers are required. Please keep information updated at all times to ensure the safety and care of your student. If emergency contacts cannot be located, the Department of Children/Families or the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office will be called for assistance.







If your student becomes ill while at school, he/she will be sent to the school clinic. You will be contacted and informed of the situation.  You must then make arrangements to have your student picked up within an HOUR.


*For the safety and well-being of your student, we ask that you make arrangements to have your student picked up from school within the hour for the following illnesses/emergencies:

  • FEVER (100.00 or Higher)
  • Diarrhea (Stomach Cramps)
  • Vomiting (more than usual “spitting-up”)
  • Severe Asthma (with rapid heartbeat / student unable to speak)
  • Abscess Tooth (with pain)


*Parents please note:  In order to ensure your student’s safety, if the student is not picked up within the hour or if emergency contacts cannot be located, then the proper authorities will be notified… (i.e., Jacksonville Fire and Rescue, Department of Children & Families, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office)


Communicable Illnesses

Your student may return to school following a contagious illness when the following circumstances are present:

  • Chicken Pox                   all lesions are dry (medical statement required)
  • Conjunctivitis                no eye drainage (medical statement required) (pink eye) 
  • Scabies                             medication (medical statement required)
  • Pin Worms                      medication (medical statement required)
  • Hepatitis                         Doctor’s release (medical statement required)
  • Strep Throat                  medication (medical statement required)
  • Head Lice                        Proof of treatment is shown / Head Check
  • Ringworm                       Proof of treatment (medical statement required)
  • Skin Lesions                   all lesions are dry (medical statement required)



Please inform the school of any allergies your student may have at the time of enrollment so that the proper precautions may be taken.  If the allergy involves food, please provide us with a medical statement that can be shared with teachers, food service workers, or anyone who has contact with your student.  All Allergies should be noted on your student’s Emergency Information Form as well.



Medications should be handed directly to the secretary or school nurse in the Main Office by the Parent only!

  • Please do not give medications to your student for transport to and from school.
  • Upon completion of administering the medicine, it will be returned to you or discarded if not picked up.

According to Florida Statue 402.305, prescription and nonprescription medication brought to the school by the custodial parent or legal guardian MUST be in the original container.  Prescription medication must have a label stating the name of the doctor, student’s name, name of the medication, and medication directions.  All prescription and nonprescription medication shall be dispensed according to written directions on the prescription label or printed manufacturer’s label.



  • Families are the most significant adults in a student’s life.  During the year, Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy will sponsor events that all families are expected to participate in, such as Open House, Parent Nights, FSA Workshops, and Chaperone Field Trips.


  • All parents are asked to complete the Volunteer Application online ( in order to accompany your student on field trips and other school activities. The volunteer application process takes approximately 2 weeks to be approved and expires in two years. This needs to be completed by the end of August.


  • Communication between family, student, and teacher is important to ensure a good working relationship.  We encourage daily communication between families and teachers.  Please look at your student’s daily Take Home Folder and check Bloomz App for important information concerning your student or the school.



Wireless communication devices may be brought to school but must be out of sight and kept in an “off” mode while on the school property during regular school hours.  Use of a wireless communication device may include the imposition of criminal penalties if the device is used in a criminal act. (Any student who chooses to bring a wireless communication device to school shall do so at his or her own risk.)


  • Violation of the conditions in this paragraph will result in confiscation of the device by school officials and may result in other disciplinary actions set forth in the Code of Student Conduct under Class II Offenses.  The confiscated device will be returned to the student’s parent/ guardian only.


  • During FAST and other testing which is determined by the principal or his/her designee, students may not have any electronic or recording devices, such as cell phones, pagers, or electronic games, in their pockets, at their desk or anywhere they can reach them, before, during, or after the testing session.  Possession of any electronic device that reproduces, transmits, records, or calculates (except for the FAST calculator), will result in the student’s test being invalidated.




Selling of items of any kind is not permitted on school grounds. All school sponsored sales (Safety Patrols, PTA, etc.) must be done either before or after the school day. No students will be allowed to sell items door to door. The principal must approve all school-sponsored sales before any sales representatives are contacted. The principal must sign any and all contracts before the activity takes place.


  • For safety and health reasons, no homemade foods can be sold or distributed on school grounds.

Please sign and return this page acknowledging your understanding and agreement to the “Expectations” at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.





(Parent/guardian signature)



Agrees to and understands the Expectations at Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.





(Student signature)



Agrees to and understands the expectations of me while attending Sallye B. Mathis Elementary School, A STEM Academy.





(Parent/guardian signature)




I would like a copy of the Code of Student Conduct Handbook.


                                                              Yes / No

                                                       (Please circle one)




(Name of Student’s Teacher)                                                                         Date