English and Language Arts
By the end of Kindergarten, your child will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts of print.
- Locate a printed word on a page.
- Distinguish letters from words within sentences.
- Match print to speech to demonstrate that language is represented by print.
- Identify parts of a book (front cover, back cover, title page).
- Move top to bottom and left to right on the printed page; returning to the beginning of the next line.
- Identify all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
- Recognize that print conveys specific meaning and pictures may support meaning.
- Demonstrate phonological awareness.
- Blend and segment syllables in spoken words.
- Identify and produce alliterative and rhyming words.
- Blend and segment onset and rimes of single-syllable words.
- Identify the initial, medial, and final sounds of spoken words.
- Add or delete phonemes at the beginning or end of a spoken word and say the resulting word.
- Segment and blend phonemes in single-syllable spoken words.
- Use knowledge of grade-appropriate phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words accurately.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the most frequent sound for each consonant.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the short and long sounds for the five major vowels.
- Decode consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.
- Encode consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.
- Recognize and read with automaticity grade-level high-frequency words.
- Describe the main character(s), setting, and important events in a story.
- Explain the roles of the author and illustrator of a story.
- Identify rhyme in a poem.
- Use titles, headings, and illustrations to predict and confirm the topic of texts.
- Identify the topic of multiple details in a text.
- Explain the difference between opinions and facts about a topic.
- Identify and explain descriptive words in a text(s).
- Retell a text orally to enhance comprehension: Use the main character(s), setting, and important events for a story. Use topic and details for an informational text.
- Compare and contrast characters' experiences in stories.
- Print many upper and lowercase letters.
- Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, create narratives with the events in chronological order.
- Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, express opinions about a topic or text with at least one supporting reason.
- Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, provide factual information about a topic.
- With guidance and support from adults, improve drawing and writing, as needed, by planning, revising, and editing.
- Present information orally using complete sentences.
- Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling appropriate to grade level.
- Recall information to answer a question about a single topic.
- Use a multimedia element to enhance oral or written tasks.
- Use grade-level academic vocabulary appropriately in speaking and writing.
- Ask and answer questions about unfamiliar words in grade-level content.
- Identify and sort common words into basic categories, relating vocabulary to background knowledge.