
By the end of Kindergarten, your child will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding for counting using objects in a set.

  • Given a group of up to 20 objects, count the number of objects in that group and represent the number of objects with a written numeral. State the number of objects in a rearrangement of that group without recounting.

  • Given a number from 0 to 20, count out that many objects.

  • Identify positions of objects within a sequence using the words first, second, third, fourth, or fifth.

  • Compare the number of objects from 0 to 20 in two groups using the terms less than, equal to, or greater than.

  • Recite number names sequentially within 100 and develop an understanding for place value.

  • Recite the number names to 100 by ones and by tens. Starting at a given number, count forward within 100 and backward within 20.

  • Represent whole numbers from 10 to 20, using a unit of ten and a group of ones, with objects, drawings and expressions or equations.

  • Locate, order and compare numbers from 0 to 20 using the number line and terms less than, equal to or greater than.

  • Develop an understanding of addition and subtraction operations with one-digit whole numbers.

  • Explore the addition of two whole numbers from 0 to 10, and related subtraction facts.

  • Add two one-digit whole numbers with sums from 0 to 10 and subtract using related facts with procedural reliability.

  • Represent and solve addition problems with sums between 0 and 10 and subtraction using related facts.

  • For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number.

  • Given a number from 0 to 10, find the different ways it can be represented as the sum of two numbers.

  • Solve addition and subtraction real-world problems using objects, drawings or equations to represent the problem.

  • Develop an understanding of the equal sign.

  • Explain why addition or subtraction equations are true using objects or drawings.

  • Identify and compare measurable attributes of objects.

  • Identify the attributes of a single object that can be measured such as length, volume or weight.

  • Directly compare two objects that have an attribute which can be measured in common. Express the comparison using language to describe the difference.

  • Express the length of an object, up to 20 units long, as a whole number of lengths by laying non-standard objects end to end with no gaps or overlaps.

  • Identify, compare, and compose two- and three-dimensional figures.

  • Identify two- and three-dimensional figures regardless of their size or orientation. Figures are limited to circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, spheres, cubes, cones, and cylinders.

  • Compare two-dimensional figures based on their similarities, differences, and positions. Sort two-dimensional figures based on their similarities and differences. Figures are limited to circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares.

  • Compare three-dimensional figures based on their similarities, differences, and positions. Sort three-dimensional figures based on their similarities and differences. Figures are limited to spheres, cubes, cones, and cylinders.

  • Find real-world objects that can be modeled by a given two- or three-dimensional figure. Figures are limited to circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, spheres, cubes, cones, and cylinders. 

  • Combine two-dimensional figures to form a given composite figure. Figures used to form a composite shape are limited to triangles, rectangles, and squares.

  • Develop an understanding for collecting, representing, and comparing data.

  • Collect and sort objects into categories and compare the categories by counting the objects in each category. Report the results verbally, with a written numeral, or with drawings.