• Duval County Public Schools: Back to School. Get ready for a great start to the 2024-25 school year!

  • Elementary school teacher assisting students with their classwork.

  • Middle school students engaged in their classwork.

  • A teacher engaged in instruction using building blocks.

Prepare for the 2024-25 School Year

  • A teacher smiling with her students as she provides instruction.


    1. Enroll Your Child: Don't wait until Aug. 12 to know where your child is going to school. If you haven't already done so, enroll them now in their neighborhood school. It's easy! If you're participating in our school choice program, and your child was accepted into their first choice school, you're good to go. If not, learn more about what to do if your child has been waitlisted. No matter what, KNOW what school your child is attending before Aug. 12. 

    2. Create a Linked Parent Account: You need a linked parent account to: register your children for transportation, check your child's grades, receive important news from your school, and so much more. Visit our Get Linked webpage for easy instructions on how to register. 

    3. Register for a Bus: Is your child riding a bus in the 2024-25 school year? It's not too late to register for bus transportation. Learn more on our Bus Registration webpage. If families have transportation-related questions, they can contact the Transportation team at 904-858-6200. This department will have extended hours now through Aug. 23. Those hours are Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

    4. Update Your Contact Information: Did you move recently? Did your contact information change? Then make sure you update your contact information. You need to update it in two places: With your children's school and on your parent account. Read more about how to update your contact information

What's New This Year

  • A small child wearing headphones as she completes her schoolwork on a laptop.


    1. New Superintendent: Team Duval is excited to welcome Dr. Christopher Bernier as its superintendent following a year-long superintendent search.

    2. Updated Bus Policy: Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, middle and high school students who live under 2 miles from their assigned schools will be ineligible for bus transportation. Additionally, the allowable distance from a bus stop to a student’s primary residence has been extended by a half mile. Learn more about these recent updates to Board policy

    3. Updated Student Cell Phone Policy - Unless a teacher gives permission, students will need to keep their cell phones off, out-of-sight, and inside their bookbag or purse during class according to the updated 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct. Learn more about the updated student cell phone policy.

    4. A New Duval Schools App: We are excited to launch the new Duval Schools App. It brings all district and classroom communications into one place. A major feature of this new app is Rooms, a two-way communication tool for parents and teachers. Visit www.duvalschools.org/app to learn more and to download the app.

    5. School Choice Deadline: The School Choice application window for the 2025-26 school year is Dec. 1 - Jan. 31. This application window is when families can submit an application for a magnet school or another school outside their child's attendance zone. 

Things to Know

  • A high school student in class paying attention to instruction.



    1. Free School Meals: Breakfast and lunch meals remain free to students in all district schools thanks to funding through the National School Lunch Program. Students will need to provide their student ID card and/or student number at the register, but there will be no cost for the regular meal (excluding a la carte items). Free and reduced-price meal applications are not required and will not be processed. 

    2. School Safety: Did you know that all schools are staffed with a police officer or a safe school officer? And that school-based employees have a special smart badge they can use to contact law enforcement and initiate a lockdown in the event of an emergency? Or that every district school has received security hardening thanks to the voter-approved, half-penny sales tax? Learn more how we keep schools, students, and staff safe

    3. Resources for Emotional, Mental, Physical Safety: There is support available for students who are struggling with non-academic barriers to success. There are also multiple mechanisms for students to report concerns whether it's bullying, emotional distress, employee misconduct, or a school threat. We encourage students and families to visit the Get Support/Report Concerns web page