• Native Languages of Our ELLs

    Our students represent a variety of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. 

     105 languages are spoken in DCPS. 
    Spanish - Arabic - Portuguese - Burmese - Vietnamen - Russian - Tagalog - Creole - Albanian - Hiatian-Creole - Swahili - Farsi - Persian - Turkish - French - Bosnian - Russian - Karen - Chinese - Vietnamese - Mam - Others

ESOL Welcome Video

  • What is ESOL?

    ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a program designed specifically to improve the language proficiency of students whose native language is not English. In addition to receiving academic instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, the ESOL program strives to develop an appreciation of diverse cultures and languages.

    The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program in the School District of Duval County serves all students who have been identified as English Language Learners (ELL). ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) is a program designed to improve the language proficiency of students whose native language is not English. ESOL services are designed to improve the English language development and proficiency of students whose native language is not English. Students have access to the grade-level curriculum and all school services. Teachers are qualified to teach English to Speakers of Other Languages. 

    We have a District State-approved ESOL plan, which is reviewed and submitted for approval every three years. The ESOL district office has a State approved Title III, Part A Plan, presented annually to the State Salas office for review. As a district, we are accountable to stakeholders and monitored by the State SALAS Office. Here are ways for you to be involved in our community to provide strategic ideas to continue supporting our multilingual learners actively. PTA, SAC, Parent Academy, Full-Service Schools, and Title I Parent Liaison team. 


    How does my child qualify for ESOL services?

    It starts with the home language survey when you enroll your student during the registration process. Parent/guardian answered “yes” to any of the three home language survey questions:

    • Is a language other than English used in the home?
    • Does the student have a first language other than English?
    • Does the student most frequently speak a language other than English?

    Answering "Yes" to one or more of the home language survey questions will require your child to be screened for English language proficiency.


    Does the school have to ask the parent’s permission to test their children?

    No. The school is required by law to test the English proficiency of those students who answered affirmatively to any of the home language survey questions. This must be done during the first twenty days in school.

    Can parents refuse placement of their child in the program?

    No. The child must be served for at least one semester before the ELL committee meets to discuss ESOL placement.


  • ¿ Qué es ESOL ?

    ESOL (Inglés para Hablantes de Otros Idiomas ) es un programa diseñado específicamente para mejorar la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes cuyo idioma materno no es el Inglés. Además de recibir la instrucción académica en lectura, escritura , conversación y comprensión , el programa ESOL se esfuerza por desarrollar una apreciación de las diversas
    culturas y lenguas.