For everyone's safety, students and families should become familiar with the safety info below.
Bus riding is a privilege. It can be revoked.
Safety Rules - Boarding On and Off the Bus
Arrive at the bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time.
Students should conduct themselves in a respectful, orderly manner while waiting at the bus stop for the bus to arrive.
Wait until the bus comes to a stop before attempting to get on or off.
A student is required to scan their student ID badge when boarding and disembarking the bus for all school-to-home services. If the student does not have their ID badge, the student must give the driver their fill name and/or student ID number.
Enter or leave the bus only at the front door after it has come to a stop, except in the case of an emergency as directed by the driver.
Leave the bus only with the consent of the driver.
A student who boards or attempts to board a school bus other than the one to which the student is assigned or who boards or departs a school bus at a location other than assigned pick-up or drop-off bus stop without prior school administration permission is considered to be trespassing.
Safety Rules - On the Bus
Be respectful to the bus operator, monitor, and all other passengers.
Enter bus orderly, take assigned seat quickly, buckle seatbelt, and wear it during the entire trip.
Face forward and remain in your seat until you get off at your bus stop.
Talk quietly.
Keep all parts of the body and objects inside the bus window at all times.
Keep hands, legs, and belongings to yourself.
Eating, drinking, and smoking is not allowed.
Follow directions given by the bus driver or monitor at all times.
Be silent when approaching or crossing railroad tracks.
Keep the aisle and step well clear at all times.
Do not tamper with door handles, windows, and other safety equipment at any time.
Do not use wireless communication devices, or electronic devices. Exception: Field trips in which the school administration approves the use of these devices or as a planned intervention for special needs students.
Do not use wireless communication devices except in an emergency concerning safety-to-life issues (defined as a bus accident, mechanical breakdown which delays the normal route, and/or thirty (30) minutes or more in a route delay).
Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians of Transported Students
To ensure the safe travel of students to and from school and home when students are not under the custody and control of the district, including to and from home and the assigned bus stop.
To ensure that students ride only in their assigned school buses and get off only at assigned bus stops, except when alternative buses or arrangements have been made.
To ensure students are aware of and follow the expected rules of behavior while they are at the bus stops and to provide the necessary supervision during times when the bus is not present.
To provide the necessary assistance for students to get on and off at the bus stop when the physical disability of the student renders them unable to get on and off the bus without assistance (as required by district policy or the student’s individual education plan).
School Bus Vandalism/Criminal Mischief
Vandalism or criminal mischief that occurs on a school bus or other contracted mode of transportation shall not be tolerated and shall be handled according to the Code of Student Conduct. Vandalism or criminal mischief shall include, but not be limited to cutting, scratching, writing on, puncturing, ripping, breaking, or otherwise marring, defacing, or damaging any part of the bus. It is the student’s responsibility to report any existing damage and to refrain from making the damage worse. Parents/guardians shall be responsible to the owner of the bus for restitution of any damage. If restitution is not received for bus damages, the student’s riding privilege may be revoked.
Large Objects on the School Bus
Oversized objects, including, but not limited to, large band instruments or cases, school projects or athletic equipment which cannot be held in the seat, are prohibited, unless prior approval is obtained from the bus driver and the school administration.
All school buses are equipped with video cameras for the purpose of ensuring the health, welfare and safety of all staff, students, and drivers.