Code Enforcement for Duval County Public Schools
Our goal is to ensure a safe and healthful built environment for the students and staff of Duval County Public Schools.
The effective date for the Florida Building Code, 8th Edition 2023, will be December 31, 2023.
Great News! We are currently in the process of implementing Citizen serve permitting software that automates and simplifies the permit application, review, resubmit, approval, and inspection process. We will keep you posted as to when it will be activated.
Welcome to the Code Enforcement website for Duval County Public Schools. The Code Enforcement department provides a plan review, permitting and inspection system to ensure compliance with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and applicable statutes and rules for building construction, remodeling, renovation and maintenance of the district's facilities.
To review and download our procedures and forms please click on the Documents & Forms page. If you have any questions related to permitting and inspection of construction/maintenance projects, please contact our certified Building Permit Technician at (904) 390-2165.
This website and Code Enforcement office is for facilities owned or leased by Duval County Public Schools. Please contact the City of Jacksonville for facilities and property other than public schools.
Questions related to school Fire Drills or Annual School Safety reports should be addressed to the Safety department under DCPS Risk Management at (904) 390-2360.
Staff & Contact Information
DCPS Code Enforcement Staff & Contact Information
The Code Enforcement department is staffed with construction professionals licensed by the State of Florida, including a Building Official and Inspectors certified in Building, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Safety. (NOTE: This website and Code Enforcement office are for facilities owned or leased by Duval County Public Schools. Please contact the City of Jacksonville for facilities and property other than public schools.)
Business Address:
Code Enforcement
Duval County Public Schools
1701 Prudential Drive, Suite 513
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Contacts - Phone Numbers:
Mark A. Thomas, CBO - Building Official: 904-390-2165
Wendy Helms - Certified Building Permit Technician: 904-390-2165
James McDonald - Inspector: 904-390-2165
Mathew McDonald - Inspector: 904-390-2165
William Smith - Inspector: 904-390-2165
Contacts - Email:
Mark A. Thomas, Email Mark A. Thomas, Building Official
Wendy Helms, Email Wendy Helms, Building Permit Technician
James McDonald, Email James McDonald, Inspector
Mathew McDonald, Email Mathew McDonald, Inspector
William Smith, Email William Smith, Inspector
Permit Status & Expiration
The DCPS Code Enforcement Permit Status information has been moved to DCPS SharePoint, which is accessible to DCPS staff with project management responsibilities in Facilities, Maintenance and IT.
If you are a contractor or designer and have a question about the status of a permit, please contact our Building Permit Technician, Ms. Wendy Helms at (904) 390-2165 or Email Wendy Helms.
If you are a DCPS employee who needs access to the Permit Status information on SharePoint, please email a request to the Building Official, Linda Theus.
Permit Expiration
A permit expires when no inspections have been requested, performed and passed within a 180 day period from date of permit issue.
Once you receive a passed inspection, the permit time is automatically extended 180 days from the date of the last approved inspection.
The building official may grant one or more extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 90 days each. To obtain such an extension, the permit holder shall submit a request for extension in writing with justifiable cause demonstrated.
It is the permit holder's responsibility to ensure that the permit does not expire without a final passed Inspection.
Annual Maintenance Permit
A Maintenance Annual Permit is issued for each fiscal year. This annual permit covers each Duval County Public Schools' facility and all maintenance trades (bonafide Board employees) performing the work: mechanical, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, door and hardware, site utilities, painting and finishes, etc. This permit requires that the building official be notified of changes as described in the permit document, and she retains the right to make inspections at the facility site as deemed necessary.