Payment Information
Tax ID Number: 59-600058
AM: $75 PM: $135 AM/PM: $210 (Elementary)
AM: $75 PM: $110 AM/PM: $185 (Secondary)
Full payments must be made prior to service.
A late fee of $15.00 is assessed per child if payment is not received by the date in the “late after” column. See applicable payment schedule.
If the next service-period begins, the student(s) will be removed from the program for non-payment. Please let us know in advance if there are monetary concerns so we may assist, if possible.
We do not pro-rate Extended Day fees. We recommend students begin at the beginning of a session and/or pay for the full period to cover the needed dates of service.
Only schooldays are calculated in your payment. We do not include the holidays or days that school is not in session.
Extended Day does not issue year-end statements. Please retain this schedule and your online payment receipts for your records.
Absences or withdrawals are not grounds for refunding a payment or crediting a payment to another session.
Payment schedules may be revised if the school calendar changes due to a closure.
Payment Due | For Services During | Late After |
August 5th | August 12th – September 9th | No Late Fee |
September 3rd | September 10th – October 7th | September 6th |
October 1st | October 8th – November 6th | October 4th |
November 1st | November 7th – December 10th | November 6th |
December 3rd | December 11th – January 23rd | December 6th |
January 3rd | January 24th – February 24th | January 8th |
February 3rd | February 25th – April 1st | February 6th |
March 3rd | April 2nd -April 30th | March 6th |
April 3rd | May 1st – May 29th | April 8th |