Downloading Free Copies of Microsoft Office for DCPS Employees & Students
Now that the district has Microsoft Office 365, district employees and students also have access to five free copies of Microsoft Office applications that can be installed on personal computers and mobile devices.
Important notes:
You do not need to install it on your work computer; you already have a licensed version installed.
These copies are part of the district’s Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions licensing and are available to you as long as you are an active DCPS employee or student.
To download your free copies of Microsoft Office:
On the device you want to install Microsoft Office, go to the Office 365 portal.
Login using your district email address and password.
For computers…
Click the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Select Office 365 settings from the drop down menu.
Click on Software from the list of options.
Click Install.
When prompted by the dialogue box, click Save File if you wish to continue with the installation.
Please note: You can also install the software from the Office 365 homepage by clicking the orange Install Now button.
For mobile devices…
From the Office 365 homepage, click “Get Office on your devices.”
Under the heading “Get the Free Office apps” select the device on which you would like to install the software.
Then click the “Send email” or “Send text” to receive a download link from Microsoft.