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DCPS Music Resource Center

Violin and chello

The Music Resource Center is open by appointment only. 

Contacts for the MRC:

Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology
Room 305
7450 Wilson Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL  32210 

The Music Resource Center is a large space that has orchestral string instruments, music teacher resources, and a print music library. It provides and supports DCPS music teachers, students, and string programs with instrument loans and music resources, much like a library. Formerly known as the "Music Warehouse", the Music Resource Center has existed for many years.

The Mission

Every instrument is meant to teach and inspire its owner. The staff of the Music Resource Center works to ensure that unused instruments are put in the hands of musicians in our District who need them, and may not be able to afford them.

Our Vision

The ultimate vision is for the Music Resource Center to be a short term home for musical instruments and resources while they are cleaned and restored for the next person to check out and use. The best instrument is one that is making music... not sitting on a shelf. 

The Music Resource Center is located in ROOM 305 of the Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology at 7450 Wilson Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32210

From I-10 West/I-295 South:

  • Exit 17, Wilson Blvd, turn right.

  • Turn at first left:  Frank H. Peterson HS.

  • Travel long wooded driveway and come to a stop sign.

  • Proceed and turn at the next left.  The sign will say "delivery", "ATOSS" and "restricted access".

  • Find the door with "305" above it on your right.

  • You may park right outside the door. 

  • Call on the phone or knock loudly. Please do not go to the school office.

From I-295 North:

  • Exit 17, Wilson Blvd, turn left at the traffic light.

  • Go under the expressway, turn at first left:  Frank H. Peterson HS.

  • Travel long wooded driveway and come to a stop sign.

  • Proceed and turn at the next left.  The sign will say "delivery", "ATOSS" and "restricted access".

  • Find the door with "305" above it on your right.

  • You may park right outside the door. 

  • Call on the phone or knock loudly. Please do not go to the school office.