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Data and Assessment: Teachers and Staff

District Testing Information

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District testing is used for a variety of reasons including teacher evaluative purposes, student grades, promotion, and other data tracking purposes.

These assessments include District Baselines, Pretests, and End-of-Course Assessments; Monitoring Assessments (DMAs); Waterford WACS; iReady; Renaissance/Star; Edmentum Exact Path; and District-created tests to check mastery.

District Testing Links

Below you will find many helpful links that will assist users with district testing.

District Testing Assistance

Standards Progression Over Time (SPOT) in Performance Matters

Performance Matters offers tools that allow for the monitoring of standards progression over time. By analyzing how students are progressing in the tested standards throughout a course, teachers can more effectively meet the needs of their learners.

For District Monitoring Assessments (DMAs), DAT has created saved links (button below - coming soon) to see how students are performing on tested standards. This report is available in Baseball Card.  For DMA1, this includes 5th Grade Science, 8th Grade Science, Biology, Algebra 1, Geometry, MJ Civics, and US History. 

Below is a tutorial and webinar outlining the SPOT report.

Click here to see standards assessed on DMAs.

SPOT and DMA Links

Below you will find resources for Standards Progression Over Time (SPOT) and District Monitoring Assessments (DMAs). 

DMA Saved Filters

DMA Info Sheet

Viewing DMAs

SPOT Sharepoint

SPOT Training

State Testing Information

Click the button below to access resources that will assist with state testing. This includes checklists, signs, forms, and manuals.

State Testing Resources

Assessment Calendars

Click the button below to access the assessment calendars. You can then choose calendars by elementary, middle, high, or all grade levels.

Assessment Calendars

Pattern Scoring Information

Pattern Scoring is a statistical process that assigns weights to individual items and then gives a scale score and achievement level for each student assessed.  Typically, when we give an assessment, we use the test average to see how well students performed on a given test. This can help to tell us if the students understood the coursework.

However, the test average does not take into consideration how difficult the items were or how well the item performance relates to the students’ overall mastery of the material. This is where pattern scoring comes into play.

Below are the resources created by DAT to help you better understand Pattern Scoring.

CAST Information

The Collaborative Assessment System for Teachers (CAST) is the evaluation system used by teachers in Duval County Public Schools. Its purpose is to improve district-wide professional competence, classroom performance, professional growth, and to serve as a basis for management decisions. The process uses valid, research-based procedures and instruments to identify effective teaching and provide feedback for ongoing professional development for each of the resources. 

The Data and Assessment Team (DAT) handles all questions or concerns regarding student growth scores. Human Resources assists with inquiries related to Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) and observations.

My Accountability

Below you will find many helpful links that will assist with understanding CAST.

CAST Measure documents

CAST Overview Documents

L25R Charts

CAST Resources

Accountability PD