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The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) handles all matters pertaining to the issuance of educator certificates in Florida.  The FLDOE maintains a website containing detailed information regarding obtaining and maintaining a Florida Educator Certificate.  Information regarding eligibility, reciprocity, testing requirements and applications can be located on this website.  The website may be located at the following link: Florida Department of Education

To be considered for hire in a teaching/instructional or certificated service positions with DCPS, an individual must be eligible for a Florida Educator Certificate (Temporary or Professional) by one of the options described below.

An applicant may be eligible for a five-year, non-renewable, Temporary Florida Educator Certificate through one of these pathways:

NOTE: All degrees and credit must be earned from an appropriately accredited institution in the United States or if outside the United States, be equivalent as determined by an approved credential evaluation agency. Click here for additional information.

An applicant may be eligible for a five-year, renewable, Professional Florida Educator Certificate, by one of these pathways:

  •  Valid Standard Certificate Issued by another State that has been reviewed by the FLDOE and determined to be acceptable

  • Valid Certificate Issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)

  • Teacher Education Degree Program and Passing Florida Certification Examinations

  • Florida Educator Preparation Institute Program and Passing Florida Certification Examinations

  • Two Semesters of Full-Time College Teaching Experience, Passing the Florida Professional Education Test and Passing the Florida Subject Area Examination (for a Bachelor’s level subject). (Note: A graduate-level subject requires the graduate degree/coursework specified in the governing State Board Rule in addition to Passing the Florida Subject Area Examination.


In Florida, the Temporary Certificate is issued only after the candidate is properly employed in a position requiring certification.  Additionally, the Professional Certificate is issued only after the requirements for the Professional Certificate have been met in full.