You may apply for reinstatement if you previously held a Florida Professional Certificate requiring at least a Bachelor’s degree, and the certificate is now expired.
However, if you currently hold a valid, standard, renewable certificate from another U.S. state or territory or the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), it may be to your advantage to apply for an Initial Professional Certificate for reciprocity, instead of applying for reinstatement. However, it is recommended you compare your options before beginning the requirements.
If you apply for reinstatement and wish to teach while you are completing your reinstatement requirements, you must also be eligible for a Temporary Certificate. If eligible, this will permit you to hold a Temporary Certificate to teach, while simultaneously completing the requirements for reinstatement of your Professional Certificate.
You must apply for reinstatement online with the FLDOE at the following link: FLDOE Website.
The application and fee are valid for one year from the day the application is received in the FLDOE.
All reinstatement requirements must be completed prior to the expiration of the application. For this reason, it is best to apply only when you know requirements have been completed or will be completed within one year of applying.
Following receipt of the application, the FLDOE will prepare an official letter outlining any remaining reinstatement requirements.
The following is required for reinstatement:
Earn six (6) semester hours of college credit to include at least one (1) semester hour in teaching students with disabilities (SWD).
The college credit, or in-service equivalent, must be earned within the five-year period immediately preceding the date your application is received by the FLDOE and/or prior to the expiration of the application.
Credit completed for issuance of the expired professional certificate may not be used to reinstate the certificate.
Sixty (60) in-service points in an approved Florida master in-service program are equivalent to three (3) semester hours of college credit.
Twenty (20) in-service points in an approved Florida master in-service program are equivalent to one (1) semester hour of college credit.
College level credits must be awarded by an accredited or approved institution, or the American Council on Education (ACE), and must be reflected on an official transcript.
College level credit awarded for CLEP, DANTES Subject Standardized Test, Excelsior, other examination, life experience, or other method must be reflected on an official transcript from an accredited or approved institution, or the American Council on Education (ACE).
College remedial credit is not acceptable.
A grade of at least "C" must be earned in each college course used for renewal. A grade of "pass" or "satisfactory" is an acceptable grade.
Teaching an appropriate college level course at an accredited or approved institution may be accepted the same as credit earned for taking the course. The registrar or dean of the college must submit a letter on institutional letterhead. The letter must verify the title, prefix, number, and semester-hour credits of the course taught and the dates when the course was taught.
Earn a passing score on the Florida Subject Area Examination for each subject from the expired certificate that will be shown on the reinstated certificate.
The passing score(s) must be earned within the five-year period immediately preceding the date your application is received by the FLDOE and/or prior to the expiration of the application.
Subject area examinations completed for issuance of the expired professional certificate may not be used to reinstate the certificate.
You are not required to reinstate all subjects from the expired certificate.
A subject identified as an "endorsement" on the expired certificate will automatically be reinstated, if the endorsement is still authorized by the Florida State Board of Education, and if an appropriate base coverage is reinstated.
Subjects no longer authorized by the Florida State Board of Education may not be reinstated. See the Florida Subject Area Examination chart for currently authorized subjects/examinations corresponding with subjects that may no longer be authorized. The reinstated certificate will include the currently authorized subject for which the corresponding subject area examination has been passed.