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Important - These instructions are for Charter School Employees only.

Current DCPS Employees must visit the SharePoint Site.

1. Collect documentation of appropriate renewal credit. Acceptable documentation of credit includes: SAP in-service record (see school bookkeeper/CRT), PowerSchool in-service record, official college transcripts, score report, completion certificates, and/or National Board Certificate copy.  For additional information regarding renewal requirements, see Renewal Requirements.

2. Scan and save the documentation of renewal credit to your desktop or thumb-drive.

3. Sign in to your online account with FLDOE. 

  • If you already have an online account with FLDOE, sign in to your online account at the following link: Florida Department of Education

  • If you already have an online account with FLDOE, but forgot your password and/or user ID, you will select "Forgot Password and/or Forgot user ID" at the following link: Florida Department of Education

**Important: If you already have an online account with FLDOE and attempt to establish a new online user account, this will result in the creation of multiple accounts.  This will require you to contact the FLDOE directly at Email FLDOE to have the duplicate accounts merged.**

FLDOE Online Licensing Service

4. Once signed in to your online account with FLDOE, from the Quick Start Menu, you will click "Select" next to the Renewal Application at the top of the page.

FLDOE QuickStart Menu

5. Complete the chosen application by entering your information as requested in each of the application sections.

6. You must upload scanned documentation of renewal credit to this renewal application.  You will upload this documentation in the "Attachments" section of this renewal application.  Note:  If you receive an error message while attempting to attach/upload document(s), please check to see if the document(s) attached/uploaded to your file prior to attempting to submit it again.  From the Quick Start Menu, click “Select” next to “View Documents” to view your attachments.  This is how you can verify if documents were properly attached/uploaded to your file.  

**Please Note: If renewing using college credit, an official transcript cannot be scanned and uploaded, it must be submitted to the DCPS Certification Office.**

Renewal Application-Attachments

7. Verify and attest via Affidavit Section that the information you enter is true, accurate, and complete.

8. You must submt a $75.00 processing fee (check or money order made payable to Duval County Public Schools.  You are required to include your FLDOE Certificate Number in the memo section.  Payments may be submitted to:

DCPS Certification Office
1701 Prudential Drive, Room 337
Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Important: If you are requesting a name change at the time of renewal, you must upload acceptable scanned documentation.  Acceptable documentation includes: Social Security Card, Driver’s License, Marriage License or Divorce Decree.