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8.45 Wellness Policy
The Duval County School Board recognizes the important role wellness plays in achieving high levels of student achievement and employee success in the workplace.
Overall Wellness Goals. The District is committed to providing a school and work environment that enhances the learning and development of lifelong wellness practices of each student and staff member and providing guidance in the areas of nutrition, health, physical activity and food service.
The Board subscribes to the following:
Nutrition programs will be compliant with federal, state and local requirements, including the provisions of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, and will be accessible to all students. An economically sustainable meal program is available to every student at every school. Students are encouraged to eat healthy and participate in school meal programs, so they are prepared to learn and reach their fullest potential.
All foods and beverages made available for sale on school campuses during the school day will meet nutrition requirements, including vending, concessions, student stores, and fundraising.
Schools will provide a safe, comfortable, pleasing environment, and allow ample time and space for eating meals.
There will be no withholding of food and/or physical activity as a punishment, nor shall either be used as an incentive or reward.
Fundraising efforts will promote only non-food items, foods that meet the nutritional guidelines, and/or healthy physical activities.
School and class celebrations may be held with the permission of the school principal, in moderation. The frequency and timing of school and class celebrations shall be established by each school principal. Celebrations authorized by the principal should be held during or after the scheduled lunch time whenever possible. Parents and staff are strongly encouraged to provide items that are non-food or snacks that meet the nutritional guidelines.
Teachers, principals, and food service employees will recognize that the lunch period is an integral part of the educational program.
Nutrition education will be provided and promoted through comprehensive health education and food service.
Physical activity will be provided every day for students before, during and/or after school.
Students will be encouraged to engage in additional physical activity, including athletics, intramurals, co and extra-curricular activities.
District and school communications will be used to educate families and the community about health, nutrition, and physical activity.
The Wellness Program shall include, but not be limited to, the following components:
Involvement of parents, students, representatives of the contracted district food service program, school board members, teachers including health education and physical education teachers, school health professionals, school administrators, support staff, district administrators, and the public in the development, implementation, review, and update of the program;
Establishment of a fully functioning School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), which operates according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as outlined in FS 381.0056, Coordinated School Health (CSH) program model (including but not limited to matters pertaining to health education, physical education and physical activity, health services, nutrition environment and services, social and emotional climate, counseling, psychological & social services, physical environment, employee wellness, community involvement, and family engagement) to oversee the implementation of the Wellness Program. The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model is an expansion and update of the CSH approach. The WSCC incorporates the components of CSH and the tenets of the whole child approach to strengthen a unified and collaborative approach to learning and health.
District SHAC Committee: Following the WSCC model, with the purposes of monitoring the implementation of this policy, evaluating policy progress, and revising the policy as necessary, the District SHAC committee will be established and will meet monthly with recommended committee membership to include representation from the following groups:
Food Service
Parents and/or Students
Elementary and/or Secondary Schools
School Board
District Physical Education
District Health Education
School Health Advisory Council
District Medical Director and/or School Nurse Manager
District Athletics
Other community representatives
Through community partnerships and participation, this committee will communicate monthly with the public via updates to the District website, public meetings, and sharing of information.
Functioning sub-committees of the SHAC may include, but are not limited to:
Health Education/Physical Education/Activity
School Health Services
Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
Establishment of Healthy School Teams at each school and Wellness Committees at other District worksites to oversee the implementation of the Wellness Programs as required by law.
School-Based Healthy School Teams and Worksite Wellness Teams:
Healthy School Teams are established at each school and will meet a minimum of two times annually for the purpose of monitoring compliance with this Wellness Policy.
Schools are encouraged to model the membership of the team after the CDC’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model, including, but not limited to a teacher, parent, school administrator, school nurse, school counselor, food service representative, student, other non certificated staff member, community/business partner.
Healthy School Teams will conduct a review of their respective schools at least once per year to identify areas for improvement, report their findings, and develop a plan of action as they relate to this Wellness Policy and school wellness goals.
Healthy School Team action plans should align with the School Improvement Plan and be consistent with the goals of this Wellness Policy.
It is also recommended that non-school based worksites establish “Worksite Wellness Teams” to oversee the health and wellness related activities at each District worksite.
Goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness are established by a review and consideration of evidence-based strategies and techniques, including a review of Smarter Lunchroom tools and techniques:
Nutrition Education - Health and Nutrition Literacy: All students and staff will be encouraged to make health-enhancing choices through the promotion of nutrition education and other health competencies.
Health literacy education will be incorporated into classroom instruction to include comprehensive concepts on health-enhancing behaviors, risk factor reduction for life-style disease prevention, bullying and violence prevention, personal safety, identifying and managing stress, and sexual health and body language.
Nutrition education is a component of comprehensive health education and can be integrated through classroom teachers, physical education teachers, counselors and school nurses in schools that do not have a certified health education teacher and should include lessons and experimental learning opportunities that enhance learning. Specific guidelines pertaining to nutrition education shall be set forth in the Student Progression Plan and District Wellness Procedures Manual, maintained in the Office of District Wellness.
Nutrition education should involve the sharing of information, marketing of healthy food and beverages, and promotion of healthy behaviors with staff, families and community to
positively impact overall health and wellness through the District website and various wellness activities.Health literacy resources will be available for staff focusing on concepts of health enhancing behaviors, risk factor reduction for disease prevention, personal safety and managing stress through the District website and communications from the wellness office to ambassadors.
The District will develop and implement a Food Allergy Management and Prevention Plan for schools and district offices that includes the following components:
Ensures provisions are in place for the daily management of food allergies through individualized student plans and procedures that assist children manage food allergies, reduce the risk of exposure, and encourage student self-management;
Prepares staff to respond to food allergy emergencies through communication systems, access to appropriate medical supplies and equipment, staff training, and clear reporting procedures;
Provides for general training for all staff and individualized training to staff in regular contact with students with food allergies;
Provides information, resources, food sharing guidelines, and school policies regarding food allergies to all students and their families; and
Maintains a safe, healthy, positive educational environment for all students, including those with food allergies, that reduces bullying and social isolation.
At the secondary school level, Health Education courses shall be taught by certified Health Education teachers as a separate course and shall be set forth in the Student Progression Plan.
Nutrition Promotion: Nutrition promotion can positively influence lifelong eating behaviors by creating food environments that encourage healthy choices and encourage participation in the school meal programs.
The school environment, including the cafeteria and classroom, shall provide clear and consistent messages that promote and reinforce healthy eating;
Students have access to useful nutrition information. Posters, worksheets, and brochures will be available in classrooms and throughout each school campus;
Schools will provide parents with healthy snack ideas, lists of food alternatives for healthy celebrations and opportunities for physical activity before and after school.
Physical Education: The District will provide evidenced-based physical education programs based on the district Student Progress Plan, National Standards, and Florida State Standards that enable students to develop healthy lifetime habits that promote physical activity with the objective of improving wellness and academic achievement. Specific guidelines pertaining to physical education shall be set forth in the District Wellness Procedures Manual, maintained in the Office of District Wellness.
Physical Activity: Students are encouraged to participate in the nationally recommended levels of physical activity each day (minimum of sixty minutes daily).
Recess periods for elementary grades shall be provided according to section 1003.455, Florida Statutes, and not be counted towards the 150 minutes of weekly physical education.
Recess is defined as safe, unstructured play time that is supervised, but not directed by adults;
Schools are encouraged to schedule recess prior to lunch due to research that supports that physical activity prior to lunch can increase nutrient intake, decrease discipline referrals and have an increase in classroom time on-task;
Students shall not be denied recess as a form of discipline; and
Students shall not be encouraged with physical activity or recess as a form of reward.
Students will be informed of the opportunity to participate in physical activity in before and after school programs and school intramural programs.
Physical activity breaks shall be integrated across curricula and throughout the school day, movement shall be made a part of health, science, math, social studies, language arts and other electives for students and staff.
Schools are encouraged to engage in community and corporate partnerships to support and enhance physical activity for students.
Schools are encouraged to engage in various community and corporate partnerships to support and enhance physical activity for staff to model for students.
Physical activity and events that promote an active lifestyle will be supported by school wellness committees.
Professional development for staff will be offered over the summer and as requested throughout the year.
To coordinate school-wide efforts, the District encourages each site to develop a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) to be overseen by the Healthy School Team.
Other School-Based Activities
The goals outlined by this policy will be considered in planning all school-based activities before, during and after school, including field trips, dances, and assemblies.
Support for the health of all students is demonstrated by hosting health fairs, health screenings, and helping to enroll eligible children in state health insurance programs.
The District will coordinate with PTAs and/or SACs to develop a family-based after-school healthy activities programs, including activities such as family fitness nights and walking programs.
Goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity and other activities that are designed to promote employee wellness:
Nutrition Education: Nutrition resources will be promoted through regular communication with school/worksite wellness ambassadors, administrators, and staff.
Physical Activity: Staff will be informed and encouraged to participate in physical activity, including before, during and after school/work programs such as intramurals, community events, and other physical challenges.
Other School and Worksite Activities: Appropriate referrals will be made as requested for various programs and resources, including but not limited to the Employee Assistance Program, Diabetes Prevention/Management Program(s), Smoking Cessation Program(s), Weight Loss/Management Program(s). Onsite, offsite and on-line programs and resources will be made available to staff members, including but not limited to flu shots, health screenings and a variety of health and wellness topics.
Nutrition guidelines for all foods available on each school campus and all District facilities during the school/work day.
Nutrition and Food Service: The District follows guidelines set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) in administering nutrition and food service programs, including the provisions set forth in the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
USDA Competitive Food Regulations (Smart Snacks) and Rule 5P-1.003, F.A.C., are used to guide the District for food and beverage sales. Information for these standards and more will be kept updated on the District website.
Schools will strive to increase participation in the federally funded child nutrition programs (i.e. school lunch, school breakfast, after-school snack, and summer food service programs).
Information for the USDA National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, including information on eligibility of services for programs will remain updated on the District’s website.
Menus meet nutrition standards, conform to appropriate menu planning principles, and are created/reviewed by a Registered Dietician.
Students will be given the opportunity to provide input on local, cultural, and ethnic foods.
School and food service staff encourage students to choose and consume full meals.
School meal programs adhere to appropriate dietary guidelines pertaining to portion size, fiber, trans- and saturated fat, sodium and sugar.
Accommodations are made for students with special dietary needs, and guidelines are provided to schools regarding management of food allergies in schools.
A la carte offerings to students meet nutrition guidelines and can be selected with input from students, parents and staff.
School operated vending machines are outlined in the National School Lunch Act - Competitive Foods Rule.
The District shall operate and provide food service in accordance with USDA’s National School Lunch Program (NSLP) standards and applicable laws and regulations of the state of Florida. The guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by USDA, and are provided in the Wellness Procedures Manual, maintained in the Office of District Wellness.
School-based marketing will be consistent with policies for nutrition education that meet or exceed USDA’s Smart Snacks in school nutrition standards. Food and beverage marketing is defined as advertising and other promotions in schools. Food and beverage marketing often includes an oral,
written, or graphic statements made for the purpose of promoting the sale of a food or beverage product made by the producer, manufacturer, seller or any other entity with a commercial interest in the product. As the District/school nutrition services/Athletics Department/PTA/PTO reviews existing contracts and considers new contracts, equipment and product purchasing (and replacement) decisions should reflect the applicable marketing guidelines established by the District wellness policy.
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall establish a Wellness Program for staff and students to assist in the implementation of the Wellness Policy that shall also include:
A plan for implementing the goals of the programs; with objectives to promote student and employee health and fitness, reduce obesity, and prevent/manage chronic diseases;
A plan for measuring the compliance/implementation of the Wellness programs to share information with school community and various stakeholders via the District website;
A plan for evaluating the outcomes of the Wellness Programs; and
A plan for updating and modifying the Wellness Programs based on the results of the annual review and triennial assessments and/or as local priorities change, community needs change, wellness goals are met, new health information and technology emerges and new federal or state guidance or standards are issued. The wellness policy will be assessed as indicated at least every three years following the triennial assessment.
The program shall meet requirements of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, the National School Lunch Act, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, The Federal Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all Florida statutes and administrative rules.
The Superintendent shall deliver a report during the month of July to the Board summarizing the goals and outcomes of the prior school year related to this Policy.
Statutory Authority: 1001.41, 1001.42, F.S.
Law(S) Implemented: Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act (the Act) P.L. 111-296 Child Nutrition CT Reauthorization 2010 P.L. 108-265, Section 204 National School Lunch Act (42 USC 1751 et seq.) Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 USC 1771 et seq.) 381.0056, 1003.453, 1003.455, 1001.43, Chapter 595, F.S. State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Rule(S): Chapter 5P-1
History: Adopted: June 6, 2006
Revision Date(S):
November 10, 2008
May 4, 2010
September 6, 2011
October 2, 2012
March 3, 2015
June 6, 2017
March 6, 2018
November 7, 2018
Formerly: EF, EFAA, EFD, EFE