Recognized as One of the Best Montessori Schools

John E. Ford Pre-K-8 English/Spanish Montessori is recognized as one of the best Montessori schools in the nation. In some ways, our school feels like an elite private school, yet we are a completely free public school. The classes are small. Students receive unsurpassed attention and support from teachers, and students who attend are focused and goal-driven. You’ve never experienced a school like this. That’s why you’ll never see children blossom quite like they do at John E. Ford Montessori.

Students Learning and Growing in Community

At John E. Ford, your young learner will receive all the foundational learning subjects, but in a way many experts believe is transformational for academics and social development. As students grow, more advanced students help mentor and teach younger students. This not only gives the more advanced students an even deeper level of understanding but also teaches them patience, responsibility, and leadership. Students still working to master a subject learn from other students and not just the teacher.

A Fully Interactive Learning Experience

A Montessori school is a complete reimagining of what school can be. Instead of kids sitting behind desks all day, classes are fully interactive with children learning in ways that excite them. The learning experience is fully customized around each child and is based on individual ability and interest. Along with foundational classes like math, science, and English, students also learn life skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Child-Focused Learning

John E. Ford provides child-focused learning. Our approach has been proven to inspire creativity, instill self-discipline, and help students reach their academic and social potential. Instead of standing in front of a classroom lecturing and providing answers, teachers serve as guides who help students ask the right questions and find answers for themselves through hands-on learning. Not only do students learn more this way, they enjoy school so much more.

Special Programs and Services

Spanish Language Montessori Program

Cathedral Arts Project



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