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Your child will believe they can achieve anything
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Rutledge H. Pearson Elementary is a STEAM school which means we focus on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Our curriculum is above average and maintains the philosophy that teaching is most engaging when it resembles real-life experiences. Students receive an education tailored to their individual needs. We do what it takes to bring out their best. Small group learning and differentiated instruction help students master lessons and acquire new skills, so their transition to middle school is a successful one.
We celebrate ALL our students and reward their efforts. We created a loving environment where the faculty and staff offer praise, encouragement, and support to our students. Whether you are a teacher or a front office clerk, we are all here to support our children and inspire a love of learning that encourages them to achieve their life-long dreams and goals.
We go beyond the standard classroom curriculum to create fun and unique lessons where students thrive and create lasting memories. Our students strive to work harder and achieve more success because they know we truly care about them as individuals and want see them succeed as lifelong learners.
P.R.I.D.E. stands for Perseverance, Resilience, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence. We establish our expectations of students based on these characteristics. It is our mission to instill these exceptional qualities in our students to help ensure they can go anywhere and do anything they set their minds to.
Free program that provides a safe environment for our students after school