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  • The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is the largest child advocacy group in the world. Your membership benefits Twin Lakes Academy Middle (TLAM) school directly as well as the county, state and national PTA levels in their ongoing fight for our children’s rights.

    How has support of PTSA benefited Twin Lakes Academy Middle in the past?

    • Purchasing New Stand-up Desks for Students
    • Providing Programs and Special Events for Students
    • Grounds Beautification
    • Volunteers for Teachers and Administration
    • Teacher Appreciation Events

    Does this require time commitments?

    Membership does not require time commitments nor active involvement in the PTSA. It can simply be your donation to better TLAM.

    However, we can always use some help if you want to volunteer!  

    Please email ptsatlam@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering at TLAM.  


    How do YOU benefit from PTSA Membership?

    Your family receives great discounts at local restaurants and attractions! 
    Our membership benefits are enhanced all the time. Visit the Florida PTA Website for more information: https://floridapta.org/member-perks/.

    Who can join the PTSA? Parents, students, grandparents, relatives, friends, teachers, administrators, and businesses can join.

    Membership is just $6 per person. From this amount, $3.50 goes to the State PTA to advocate for our teachers and students in the Florida legislature. A total of $35 goes to the Duval County Council PTA. TLAM PTSA keeps less than $2.50 per membership which is why our PTSA relies heavily on memberships and donations to help support the school.

    Join online at this link:  https://tlam.new.memberhub.store/store

    PTSA Amazon Wish List


    PTSA Officers and Committee Chairs
    for 2020-2021

    President Christine McArthur
    Secretary Kelly Lunderville
    Treasurer Becky Bernard
    VP Ways-n-Means Alexandra Paul
    VP Membership Laura Leuthold
    Communications & Volunteers Open
    Dances Open
    Boxtops Open
    Hospitality Open
    Reflections Open
    Hearing Screening Open
    Vision Screening Open
    SAC/RRW Open
    Business Partners Open
    PTSA Announcements

  • General Mills "Box Tops for Education" can be found everywhere, on a wide variety of items, including Huggies products, Cottonelle products, many Betty Crocker and Pillsbury products, numerous brands of cereal, Yoplait yogurt, Juicy Juice, Ziploc bags and many more. 10 TOPS = $1.00 for our school!!  Simply clip the Box Tops cleanly along the dotted lines, being careful not to cut off the expiration date, and turn them in to your child's math teacher.

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  • Tell Office Depot the School ID# 70021924 for Twin Lakes Academy Middle when you shop and they'll give our school 5% of the purchase amount on qualified items!   This program helps TLAM get needed supplies all year long, so keep using the school id whenever you shop there.

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