An Alternative School in Duval County

Grand Park Career Center is one of two alternative schools centrally located in Duval County.  Our school presents a unique opportunity for students in the Duval County Public Schools district who have violated the district’s Student Code of Conduct. Grand Park also presents an opportunity for students who are entering the district from neighboring counties or out of state who were assigned to alternative schools before leaving their district. The students at Grand Park are assigned through the district’s Hearing Office and must complete 45, 90, or 180 days as required by the Hearing Office.    

Resources to Strengthen the Whole Family

Grand Park Career Center has internal and external resources to strengthen the whole family. Our school offers a host of wraparound services and has administrators who are devoted to empowering families. They have advocated for two school counselors, a school psychologist, a behavior interventionist, two exceptional education teachers, a school resource officer, a social worker, and Hazel Health services. Families are supported and strengthened through those various services and resources.

Helping Students in Their Journey

Grand Park Career Center supports students with disciplinary concerns who have been removed from the traditional educational setting. We help students to readjust and reenter a traditional educational setting. We can also offer alternatives to traditional education, via the Job Corps, GED, and private school placement.

What’s Happening