Legacy of Academic Excellence

At Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School, our students engage in rigorous and advanced coursework in all classes and develop their leadership skills throughout their time at JLCP. With a legacy of academic success and extracurricular excellence, Landon has maintained an “A” and is the top performing school in Duval County Public Schools.

College Ready Learners

Our top priority at JLCP is developing college-ready learners with a deep commitment to public service and their role as leaders within our community. JLCP is a place where any student who sees themselves as a leader and is determined to succeed academically will thrive.

Engaging Families in Education

Our parents love our school because it is a safe place for students to learn and grow, academically and personally. As a true dedicated magnet, Landon strives to create a family-centered, neighborhood school feeling that engages families and all stakeholders in our school culture. We have worked hard to create the feeling of safety and support with the help of our staff, students, and families. After attending your first family engagement event, you will quickly understand what it means to be part of the Landon family.

Fostering a Passion for Success

Our Lions absolutely love being part of the Lions family! Being a dedicated magnet focusing on college prep and leadership means our students are also dedicated to our vision and mission, and they play an active role in moving that mission forward. Students feel responsible and empowered by our legacy and work hard to maintain high academic and extracurricular expectations. Our students wear orange and black with pride because it's a #lionthing and because being a Landon alumni comes with honor.

Julia Landon Programs

Academic Advancement

All of our curriculum is academically advanced and rigorous, with each of our teachers gifted endorsed or working towards completing their endorsement. Landon students are already accelerated at least one year in math and sciences, and in some cases, two years. Students receive high school credit in Algebra 1 Honors, Geometry Honors, Spanish 1, and Biology Honors.


All gifted students are scheduled into core classes with certified gifted teachers. We follow the cluster grouping schedule model and students receive gifted differentiation and acceleration in all core classes. Teachers work together and collaborate with our Gifted Lead teacher. Our Gifted Lead supports students and families, delivers professional development, and serves as a liaison during matriculation to high school and the EP process.

Leadership Development

One of our biggest priorities is our leadership development program which is delivered to students through three separate leadership courses, one taken each year. As a capstone for their time at Landon, all 8th grade students will participate in an end of the year symposium event where they present their own leadership projects centered around a global issue they feel most passionately about impacting.

What’s Happening