Parking Regulations and Application
ACHS Student Parking Regulations & Application
Atlantic Coast High School
Student Parking Permit Rules and Regulations
Student parking on our campus is a privilege. Eligible students whose applications are approved will purchase a decal for $40 cash. Replacement for lost decals cost - $25.00. You must always have your decal on display in your car. No exceptions or risk having your car towed. In order to promote the safety and security of our school, the following rules and regulations will apply to student parking at Atlantic Coast High School:
Seniors will have priority for parking and can pay an additional $40 to pick and/or paint their parking spots. Remaining passes may be available for eligible underclassmen. Senior Painting of Parking Spots is August 5-August 9, 2024 from 8am-2pm.
Students must hold a valid driver’s license to be eligible for a parking permit.
Each vehicle shall be properly registered and insured.
Students must be in good academic and behavioral standing.
Discipline and/or attendance issues, including tardies, could result in revoking your pass.
It is the student’s responsibility to supply the school with a driver’s license and vehicle registration renewal information. Failure to do so could result in suspension of parking privileges.
Must have parental permission (signature) on application.
All vehicles parked on the school grounds must be registered with the school and must display a current year’s decal on the driver’s window.
Student parking is strictly limited to the designated student parking areas.
The school is not responsible for vehicles, content, or accidents occurring on school grounds.
Student vehicles may be subject to search if there are reasonable grounds to believe that drugs, alcohol, stolen property or other contraband might be present in the vehicle.
Speeding or any form of reckless driving on school grounds will result in revoking your parking pass.
Loitering in the parking lot during the school day may result in suspension of your parking pass.
Leaving campus without permission may result in the loss of your parking privilege.
Students cannot lend or give their decals to other students for any
Additional Regulations/Procedures:
It is the responsibility of the student to submit an updated application and supporting documentation if the vehicle, license, insurance, or registration information has changed.
Report lost/stolen parking decals immediately to Mrs. Goller. You must purchase a replacement decal.
Parking privileges may be revoked if a student violates the Student Code of Conduct.
Parking in any senior painted parking spot that is not yours will result in a warning sticker being placed on your vehicle. A second offense will result in your vehicle being towed.
Parking regulations are strictly enforced.
It is considered a privilege to park on school grounds. Student Code of Conduct Offenses (tardiness, skipping, truancy, speeding or driving recklessly, etc.) can result in the suspension or revocation of driving privileges. Suspension of driving privileges, towing of vehicles and/or suspension from school may be enforced if violations occur.