We are challenging all students, teachers, families and community members to help us take ONE STEP FORWARD to ensure our students experience excellence! If each of us take one small step toward supporting student needs and improving our school, we will excel and our children will have the best school in all of Duval County.
To do this, we need to hear from you. What are we doing well? What can we do better? What would you like to see happening at Arlington? It seems complicated but it’s not. There are many ways you can participate. The School Advisory Council is a one of these opportunities.
S.A.C. is a team of families, teachers and community members who make decisions and give input into school improvement goals, including but not limited to how we spend funds to target school improvement. Meetings are open to everyone, even those who do not choose to be a voting member. Mark your calendars to attend one or all of our meetings!
Join us for out monthly SAC meeting to stay informed about the current state of our school. Come hear about upcoming events, review our school improvement goals and provide feedback to better our school. We cannot do it without you!
The functions of school advisory councils are:
To assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan (SIP) (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).
To assist in the preparation of educational improvement proposals for implementing an educational improvement grant.
To assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).
To assist in completion of the Mid-Year Stakeholder Assessment.
To perform functions prescribed by regulations of the district school board (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.)