Welcome Parents
Welcome to Arlington Elementary
Something you need to know: Arlington Elementary is the best kept secret in Duval County Public Schools! Why, you might ask? We are a little red-brick school house that believes in teaching the whole child with solid foundation skills. Our school was established in 1921 and opened its doors in 1922 with all students in one class. We have over 100 years of history and are dedicated to restoring the Arlington community. We are home of the Dolphins and say the pledge of success during the morning news everyday. Our Dolphin Pride is shown through our school uniforms and the relationships we build as a school family in our Dolphin Pods. We provide grade level instruction to meet the needs of every student, in every classroom, every day. We have fidelity measures in place, such as baseline and mid-year assessments, along with blended learning platforms, to ensure students are meeting their learning goals throughout the year. We have Interactive Teaching Walls and Laptops for one-to-one devices in most classes.
In addition to our website, we also have a Facebook page: Arlington Elementary Jax; an Instagram page: Arlington Dolphins; and use Rooms on the DCPS application to communicate upcoming events and needed information to our various stakeholders.
Wellness and nutrition are also important to us as well. Every student eats free breakfast and lunch and we are a part of the Florida Fresh Fruit and Veggies Program, where students are given an opportunity to taste and be exposed to a variety of fruits and vegetables as a mid-afternoon snack. We have an established partnership with Arlington United Methodist Church, where they've supported us with school supplies, breakfast and lunches for teachers and staff, and a dedicated Reading and Butterfly garden, to just name a few. We are also blessed to have Micah's Backpack program, where families can sign-up for perishable food support over the weekend. There are major companies providing support such as Florida Blue for campus beautification and volunteer Readers. Superior Construction will also be donating various supplies and needs to support our school. We want to develop more partnerships to build a community of little readers to become future leaders.
You can sign up to be a Volunteer in a few easy steps. Please visit the link below to submit a volunteer application. Once you have applied online as a Volunteer, you may contact the Main Office to confirm if your application has cleared through DCPS.
Main Office Phone Number: (904) 745-4900