Our normal school day hours are 8:30am-3:00pm. Students are dismissed at 1:00pm on early release days.
The first bell rings at 8:25am. Any students not in class by the second bell at 8:30am should report to the office for a tardy pass.
Make sure you have an active PikMyKid app account through the OneView link.
Arrival Procedures:
*The school building will not be open for students until 8:00 am unless your student is enrolled in the morning Extended Day Program. Please do not drop your child off unattended until 8:00 am.
Car Drop Off Procedures: There are supervised areas with signs posted to the left of the school. Please do not use the front driveway for student drop offs or let your student out of the car on Staples Mill Dr.
Bus Procedures: Bus Loading Zone is located at the rear of the school in a designated posted area.
Dismissal Procedures:
ANY changes to a student's normal dismissal procedure needs to be in writing and sent to the front office for a signed copy.
Daycare Van Riders:
Dismissed in the back of the school in the bus area.
Daycare Vans line up and students are checked off and verified before leaving with their appropriate Daycare Van.
Car Riders:
Each car must have a sign posted on the front of their windshield indicating the student's dismissal number.
Cars pull up on the left side of the school.
Please stay in your car at all times and a staff member will escort your child and help them get into the car.
Please do not drive around the cones to exit the pick-up lane.
Bus Riders:
ALL students must register for the school bus.
Buses are called at a time.
All students are verified as they are getting on to the appropriate bus.
Any changes to a student's way of getting home or a bus number change, MUST be done on PikMyKid or in writing by a parent and signed by the front office.
DCPS Transportation: (904) 858-6200
Walkers and Bicycle Riders:
Dismissed at the bell and exit at the front left corner of the school near the bicycle rack.
Thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment for all of our CLE Cheetahs!