What is a T.O.T.?
T.O.T is the acronym for Teacher Of Tomorrow. The T.O.T’s of Chimney Lakes Elementary School assist the teachers in grades K-2 doing duties before and after school that allow the teachers to focus on planning for the students day. Participation as a T.O.T. affords the students an opportunity to increase initiative, responsibility, organization, and leadership skills.
As T.O.T.’s, your duties will come from your assigned teacher. Most teachers will have a normal routine for you to accomplish before and after school. There may be a time when your teacher is out of the room for meetings or duty, you should continue your normal routine or watch the students in the hallway. That is not an excuse for you to leave your room. You are expected to be at your assigned room or with the children if you are at school.
Duties in the classroom could include the following:
Pencil sharpening
Filing or passing out papers
Cutting out items for the day
Cleaning around the room
Running errands for the teacher
Reading with or tutoring students in your classroom
Making sure that the students are quiet in the hallway
Any other assignment your teacher gives you to do.
T.O.T.S Sponsors:
Mrs. Ahnemiller Room 29