Crown Point Elementary is dedicated to providing many opportunities for students to practice their leadership skills! As a part of our Leader in Me program, Crown Point provide opportunities for students to participate in a club of their choice once a month! These clubs take place during school hours. In addition to our clubs, students have the opportunity to participate in the following programs/clubs:
Safety Patrols:
Chosen 5th grade students who show outstanding behavior and grades are a part of the Patrols. They fundraise throughout the school year to earn money for their Washington D.C. trip in June.
TOTs (Teachers of Tomorrow):
5th grade students that meet academic and character expectations have the opportunity to work with a class and teacher during the morning.
T.V. Production:
TV Production is a program designed to introduce students to the behind the scenes action of television. Students are responsible for producing the Crown Point Morning News show. They work the equipment, do interviews, and report the important news around our school.
The Crown Point Panther Chorus is an auditioned group composed of fourth and fifth graders. They perform for various events during the school year: the Landing in December, PTA Founder’s Day, and In-school concert twice a year. The repertoire ranges from classical to traditional to contemporary styles of music. They meet on Thursdays after school from 3:15-4:30.
Fit Kidz:
4th and 5th grade students will learn all about healthy lifestyle options while staying physically active in this hands on learning club.
Morning Mile:
This morning running club is for all grade levels. We meet weekly starting in October and continue through the end of the year with a celebration in May to recognize the achievements made by all the students. Students learn to pace themselves as they work towards individual mile goals each week.