Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System/ Crown Associate Center (FDLRS/Crown)
The Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) is a discretionary project of the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS).
The FDLRS Associate Centers provide an array of instructional and technical support services to school district Exceptional Student Education programs statewide. The four central functions of each FDLRS Associate Center are Child Find, Parent Services, Human Resource Development, and Technology. FDLRS includes 19 Associate Centers that serve Florida’s sixty- seven school districts. These centers collaborate with districts, agency and support personnel, communities, families, and other educational personnel providing support services for educators, parents, school administrators, and students with exceptionalities.
FDLRS/Crown is the Associate Center serving Clay, Duval and Nassau counties.
For detailed information about the services available from FDLRS/Crown please visit our website