Arrival Procedures
School Arrival ( 8:00am-8:25am)
Students are not to arrive at campus before this time.
Students in VPK and Kindergarten will go directly to their hallways and be seated until the bell rings at 8:25am.
Students in 1st-5th will go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast and then transition to their hallways to be seated.
ALL students attending will get free breakfast and lunch. Students must be at school no later than 8:15am to eat breakfast.
Any students arriving after 8:30am will be marked tardy.
ALL Car Riders - All car riders will be dropped off in the car circle following the route below

Down Sycamore to Civic Club Drive and into the car circle
Cars may not pull into the car circle coming from Old Kings or Iowa.
As a safety precaution, we ask that you DO NOT let students out of cars on Civic Club Drive in front of the school. You may go down Iowa and park and then let students out in the grass.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal - Early Check-Out
If Parent/Guardian wishes to check their student out early, we ask that you come into the main office to sign-out.
Front office member will check ID of parent/guardian. If person checking out student is not on the BLUE Card or on Focus office member WILL NOT release student unless we have confirmation from parent/guardian.
Students will be called when you arrive at the school. Front office WILL NOT call student down early to wait.
NO early check out after 2pm on regular school days and 12:15pm on early release days.
Dismissal Procedures - General
Walkers will be dismissed out of the front of the school at the flagpole at 2:45pm.
Car riders will be dismissed from the car circle in the front of the school using the Pikmykid App.
Parents will use the same route as morning arrival for dismissal.
Parents can start lining up in the car circle at 2:20pm. This is for the convenience for anyone parked in the front parking lot that need to get out before dismissal.
Parents must have a dismissal visor tag to help identify the car and the child.
VPK and their siblings will also be dismissed at 2:45pm in the back parking lot.
Bus and Daycare Van will be dismissed at 2:55pm or as they arrive in the bus loop.
Late Pick - up
ALL students must be picked up by 3:15pm. Parents will need to come in and sign for late pick up. If you know you are going to be late due to traffic or train please call the school (904-924-3126) to notify the front office.