Clubs provide meaningful experiences that contribute to the development of personal responsibility, moral values, cooperation, emotional maturity, self-discipline, leadership and value of group goals, for students.
Each student that participates in a club activity must have a parent permission form filled out for each club they participate in. Please print and sign the following form:
Academic Scholar Team- Mr. Kyne & Ms. Couch
Attracting those students interested in academic-based competitions.
Art Club – Mr. Baughman
Enhancing the opportunity for artistic expression by students with a focus on art projects.
Band- Ms. Wilhelm
Generally designed to introduce and enhance the musical experience in students this includes two musical performances a year.
Beaches Go Green Club - Ms. Gilyard
General club guidelines with an environmental focus. Start 9/13, Tuesdays, 8:15AM, Student Services
Chess Club -Mr. Abear/Mr. Fretz
The chess club is designed to introduce the game of chess. Games are between members.
Drama Club – Ms. Carmody
General club guidelines for drama club and performances. There are two productions during the school year.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes/ Bible Club- Stafford
General club guidelines with a spiritual and sports focus.
FMS Ambassadors/patrols - Ms. Walters
Student-Representatives during school tours.
Interact Club-mrs. Barker & Mrs. Fields
General club guidelines with a community service focus.
Magic the Gathering Club – Mr. Pecot
Students enjoy the card-based game Magic the Gathering.
Math Club – Mr. Mcgiveron
Sponsors a team to the countywide math competition.
National Junior Society - Mr. Walters
Rules and membership unique to NJHS
Robotic Team- Mr. Kyne
Meeting the interest of those students who enjoy with curiosity
Running Club- Ms. Meyerowich
Students will discover the joys of running
Speech and Debate - Ms. Pierce
Sponsors a regional debate competition in Fall
Dungeon and Dragons Club – Mr. Curry/ Ms. Lindsey
Yearbook Club- Mr. Stafford
Guiding student members in taking pictures at as many school-sponsored events for candid shots, as possible.
Skateboard Activity- Mr. Fox