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Blending Learning K-5

Accessing Blended Learning

  1. Access Duval Schools Website

  2. Scroll down and clck on "Blended Learning"

  3. Once in Blended Learning students will access Single Sign


Access Waterford through Blended Learning

Waterford Early tearing provides a matti-sensory learning experience, in early resting and math skills. It is designed to help all children bulls the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

1st & 2nd Grade

Access "LediaCore5* and Iready Math through Blending Learning Platform.

trading Leda Core 5ie a research-proven program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for students of al abilities, Ready Math: Practice math concepts at grade or students levels.

3rd, 4th, & 5th

Access "Lexis Core 5" and "Freckle" through the Blended Learning Platform Freckle Math: Provides differentiated math instruction on a student's level

Reflex Math

Access platform with teacher provided username and password