Englewood High School is proud to offer students an opportunity to enroll in one of two career academies. Please contact any administrator or guidance counselor to gain more information regarding these programs:
Sports, Recreation & Entertainment Marketing enables students to take courses Marketing Essentials, Entrepreneurship and Sports Adverstising to learn how to successful build and market a brand and create profitable products for the school and community.
Communication Academy (Television Production) enables students to take courses focusing on media and opportunities to create videos and produce the Englewood Rams News Show, "Around the Horn".
Early College
Early College is a rigorous and challenging program for students who are academically at or above grade level and highly motivated, with a true desire to achieve their personal goals and the goal of the program.
Early college is a dual enrollment program where students can simultaneously earn a high school diploma and up to two years of college credit through our partnership with Florida State College at Jacksonville.
At Englewood High School there will only be one Early College Track available to our incoming 9th grade students in the 2016-2017 school year. We are proud to offer the only Associate of Science (AS Track) Early College Program in Duval County through our partnership with Johnson & Johnson, Vision Care, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Academy of Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (Results in an AS degree from FSCJ, a high school diploma and has additional supports such as a mentoring program, summer internships and priority interviewing with Johnson and Johnson Vision Care, Inc.