There are many clubs and activities available at Englewood H.S. Become involved!
Englewood students must maintain a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale to participate in any and all extracurricular activities.
Students must adhere to the student code of conduct and maintain the high expectations for behavior at Englewood High School.
Below are the clubs anticipated for the 2018-2019 school year and the faculty member contact for each club:
Englewood Band
Mr. Daniel Reed
See Band Programs link for more information
Drama Club
Mrs. Tiffany Cauthen
Madam Prestige
Ms. Conaway-Myles
Madam Prestige is a mentoring and leadership club for EHS young ladies. Members must have a 2.5 GPA and MUST be able to attend meetings and have a way home after school. The club is designed to equip its members with the tools needed to foster, respect, value, and integrity in themselves and others. The ladies develop a close sisterhood with each other and participate in sessions on effective communication skills, self-respect, positive attitudes, and self-motivation, just to name a few. In addition, the ladies are mentored and given the opportunity to participate in fund raisers, school events, and community service opportunities. Madam Prestige meets every other Tuesday and will begin taking applications beginning the second week of school. If you meet the preliminary qualifications and have a desire to refine or enhance your leadership skills, then Madam Prestige wants you!!
Guitar Club
Mr. Carmody & Mrs. Moseley
The Englewood Guitar Club is fun for all skill levels! You want to learn The Beatles, you'll learn The Beatles. You want to learn Simon & Garfunkel, you'll learn Simon & Garfunkel. You want to learn Ke$ha or Beyonce, you'll learn Led Zeppelin. Starting in September, on Thursdays, in Room B 114.
Tabletop Gaming Club
Mr. Carmody
The TableTop Gaming Club meets on Wednesdays to stimulate interest in the entertaining hobby of tabletop gaming. We want to create enthusiasm for tabletop gaming in addition to promoting problem-solving, cooperation, strategy and friendly competition with board games and tabletop role-playing games. Look for our first meeting in September in B 114.
Robotics Club
Mr. Arnold
Anime Club
Mr. Martin
This club will meet once a week, starting on September 6th. All students interested in Anime and Manga are welcome to come!
TV Production
Mrs. Harris
Students in TV 2, 3 and 4 are part of this club. These students meet to discuss new ideas and interest in the area of broadcasting. Students strive to pass their Industry Certification in Premiere Pro CC.
Mrs. Harris
Students in this club are also part of the Yearbook class. They develop the yearbook over the course of the year. Guest speakers come in to discuss photographer and creative techniques.
National Honor Society
Ms. Martinez & Senora Martin
See the NHS link for more information.
Best Buddies
Ms. Davis
Best Buddies is a program offered to encourage fellowship of general education students and students with special needs within Englewood. This program allows students to work with and spend time with special needs students in a safe and friendly environment with the assistance of teachers and staff. Students partake in the lessons provided by special education teachers by assisting the teachers and/or the students in the classroom. This program can be used towards a student’s volunteer hours as well.
General education students have the ability to register as Peer Buddies or Associate Members. Peer Buddies are paired with a special needs student that shares their similar interests. They are required to visit their buddy (special needs student) a minimum of 3 times per month. These visits occur during the school day within the classroom. Associate Members are not paired with a buddy but instead act as assistants within the classroom and assist during monthly events. Both Peer Buddies and Associate Members are required to attend monthly events as well as take part in the annual fundraiser.
Latino Rams
Senora Martin
The Latino Rams' mission is to provide students the opportunity to earn service hours through fun activities while celebrating the Latin culture.
Dance Club
Mrs. Platte