Hello, ELA Families! I am humbled and honored to continue to have the opportunity to serve as principal at Enterprise Learning Academy and the surrounding community. As I begin my 5th year as principal here at ELA, I am so proud of how we have partnered together so diligently the last few years. Despite all the challenges of the last few years, our students demonstrated significant achievement last year based on the different state assessments. As a school, we increased our proficiency in Mathematics and Reading by 4% overall. As a school, our math proficiency has now surpassed where we were even prior to the pandemic. With that said, we are not finished and there is plenty of work left to do. Thank you for your continued partnership and ongoing support as we could not do this work of preparing the whole child without you!
Primarily, our goal is to provide a safe, orderly, and inviting school environment so that students can truly flourish and take full advantage of their capacity and potential. Just as important, at a minimum, we want ALL students to show a year’s growth each year. We believe in lofty expectations for ALL students. We believe that socioeconomic status, race, language, learning disability, etc., should not dictate whether a child can achieve remarkable things. At ELA, all means all!
I look forward to us continuing to partner together to benefit our students. I am looking forward to a great school year and if we can ever be of any assistance to you and your family, please give us a call at 904.573.3260. Thank you and Go Manatees!
Jeff Collins
Principal, Enterprise Learning Academy