Teamwork Makes The Dream Work!
Parents play a critical role in the success of their students. We value our parents at Enterprise Learning Academy. We welcome your support, feedback and contributions. There are a variety of ways for you to support manatees, from classroom donations to chaperoning fieldtrips.
If you plan to assist us on campus or chaperon a field trip this school year, you will need to submit volunteer paperwork. Click here for the registration process.
Our Parent Resource Room is now open to all parents. We have a computer for completing online registration, checking student academic progress and emailing teachers. We also have valuable resources to support parents as well as students. Please visit our welcome center for more information.
At Enterprise Learning Academy, we would love to welcome parents into the school to assist in the classroom or around the building in other ways. Please see the options available below. This doesn't have to be on a daily basis, some tasks can be provided sporadically or regularly scheduled. Any assistance would be appreciated.
* All volunteers will need to have a background check with the district in order to begin volunteering in the school.
Parent Involvement in School
Beautification: artist needed for murals, interior decoration, setting and designing the theme for the school, gardening and indoor plants.
Morning duty: monitoring students until class begins from 8:30- 9 am. Frequency- daily or weekly.
Cafe duty: monitoring order and cleanliness of the cafeteria from 10:30- 1:30. Frequency- daily or weekly.
Community business showcase: provide interactive grade level activities for grades pre- K through 5. Show how your business operates and impacts our community. Frequency- a different business every month.
Event planning and support: occasionally the school will sponsor events such as themed dances, movie night, parent night, etc. Support can include flyers, food, decorating, chaperones, and participation in other activities/games.
Project based technology team: present and create opportunities such as assistance with technological developments based on the needs/ability of each grade level for the school choice program.
Parent Involvement in Class
Volunteers to help students during remediation and/or enrichment time - in center time the teachers could use support in the following tasks: monitor the centers for student engagement, ownership and understanding, provide remediation support with i-Ready materials from teachers, listen to the students read for fluency, assist in creating focus/ vocabulary walls for additional visual support to the students, and introduce new center activities while the teacher is assisting small groups.
Other volunteer opportunities include: assisting students with class projects, reading to the class during core or center time, providing bulletin board support, decoration, posting students’ work, sending in student incentives - skittles, cookies or other small prizes - organizing the homework for the upcoming week, checking homework folders for participation and accuracy, assist in filing student work - exit tickets, class practice and other assessments, cut laminated items for the student use, gather and distribute supplies for student use and other tasks as needed.