Blue Graphic Banner

Students are welcome to arrive as early as 8:00 am. School will begin promptly at 8:25am.  



It is not safe to drop your student off before 8:00 A.M!

There is no adult supervision at that time.

When dropping your student off, please pull all the way up in the car rider line.

Please do not park in the car rider line.

When arriving at school (at or after 8:00am), all students will go directly to their holding area with supervising staff until they are picked up by their teacher.

Dismissal begins promptly at 3:00pm.

Please display your car rider tag!

Effective 8/25/2015 we will discontinue the walk-up line. All car rider parents should remain in their car with their car rider tag visible so that staff can call the students name which releases their child.

Car Rider Parents walking up during dismissal to pick up their child will have to wait until all parents waiting in their cars have picked up their children.

No dismissal after 2:15pm!

School Board Policy (5.42) states that:

"A student should not be released within the final forty-five (45) minutes of the school day unless the principal/designee determines it is an emergency or an excused event."

As such, our office will be closed to releasing students during the final 45 minutes of school; after 2:15 p.m. on regular school days and 1:00 p.m. on Early Dismissal days.

No dismissal after 2:15pm!