i-Ready Diagnostic & Instruction was built for the Common Core for K-5. It provides the data-driven insights that classroom teachers and school and district administrators need to determine exactly where to focus their instructional time to ensure all students are on track to meet these more rigorous expectations and to succeed on the accompanying assessments.
Login: S and student number (ex: S12345678)
Password: student’s DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

Achieve3000® is the powerful, proven, differentiated online literacy instruction solution for grades 3-5 that reaches every student at his or her Lexile®/reading level. It's the only solution that delivers truly differentiated reading and writing assignments — using high-quality, non-fiction content based on each student's reading level - and that automatically adapts content via ongoing, real-time Lexile assessment.
Login: S and student number (ex: S12345678)
Password: 16 first four letters of last name 2 digit birth month 2 digit birth day (ex: 16bear0219)

Reflex Math is a game-based, adaptive and individualized program that helps students of all ability levels develop their fluency with their basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Login: Teacher generated username (ex: NyeHomeroom)
Password: Teacher provided