Arrival Procedures
Students may be dropped off at school beginning at 8:00 a.m. unless they are enrolled in Morning Extended Day or participate in other activities such as Safety Patrols, News Crew, or tutoring. Please do not drop your students off before 8:00 a.m. Morning Extended Day students may arrive at 7:00 a.m. Students who participate in morning activities, such as safety patrols, News Crew, Teachers of Tomorrow, and tutoring may enter the school at their designated time.
Students should exit the car along the sidewalk in the front of the school. Students should not be dropped off on the street, as this presents a safety hazard. All students who arrive by car, bike, or on foot must enter the building through the front doors.
Students who are enrolled in the Communications and Social Skills Program (CSS) arrive at the rear of the school and are dismissed at the front of the school, by car. When arriving in the morning, enter through the gate at the back of the school. School staff will be on hand to assist with unloading and loading students. Please keep your child in the car with you until an adult comes to assist.
Dismissal Procedures
Students are dismissed as walkers, car riders, Team Up or bus/van riders. We do not offer Park and Pick Up at Greenfield. Walkers are dismissed at 3:00 from the rear of the school at the walkers’ gate (near the CSS portable and the CSS playground). If you are meeting your child at the gate, please be on time.
Car riders are dismissed at the front of the school. Each parent must have a car tag with your child's car rider number prominently displayed in the window of the car. Students will not be dismissed to cars that DO NOT have a car tag. You may obtain a car tag in the main office during office hours.
Because we have a large number of car riders, the car rider line takes time, especially in the first weeks of school. Please be patient with us as we are working to get your child to your car as quickly as possible.
Kindergarten Bus Rider Dismissal
All kindergarten students who ride a bus home in the afternoons must have a completed Kindergarten Bus Rider Dismissal Form on file with the school and bus driver. This form allows parents to specify if their child may walk home alone, with a sibling, or be picked up from the bus stop. All kindergarten bus riders must have a form on file with the school and the bus driver. For more information and to obtain a form see this page.
Bicycle Riders
Students who ride a bicycle must adhere to bike rider safety rules at all times. Students must ride only on the sidewalk and must walk their bikes on the sidewalks while they are on school grounds. Once students have exited the school grounds, they may ride their bikes. Bikes are locked inside the gates of the school, but it is still advised that all bikes be secured to the bike rack with a lock. Students should wear basic safety equipment, including a helmet.