GPE-Business / Faith-Based Partnerships
** If you are interested in becoming a business partner, please fill out the information in the file below for more information**
School and community partnerships are supportive, collaborative efforts created to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals and activities intended to benefit students and ensure partner success. Greenland Pines encourages and supports business and community partnerships. For partners, the benefits are immediate and long-term because an effective education system provides a strong foundation for economic success in our community.
How do partnerships help students?
They increase the resources and services available to teachers and school administrators to enhance learning experiences.
The students get real business experience and learn skills that help them become college- and career-ready.
Students also learn the social and emotional skills they’ll need for life after high school.
How do partnerships help businesses?
The companies start building a relationship with the future workforce.
They receive recognition as companies that care about their community.
They can offer employees volunteer opportunities, which can help with retention and morale. (A survey showed that 62 percent of 18- to 26-year-olds say they would prefer to work for a company that lets them volunteer for causes they believe in.)
What do GPE business partners do?
There are many ways for organizations to partner with Greenland Pines. Here are a few examples:
Provide classroom or assembly speakers on specific topics
Participate on advisory boards (School Advisory Committee)
Help with specific projects and project-based curricula
Host field trips at their company
Attend school events and set up expo tables
Mentor or tutor students/student groups
Join students in a community-service project