The Enrollment for Education Solutions agreement between Microsoft and Duval County Public Schools provides each student a single license for home use of both Microsoft Windows Upgrade and Microsoft Office Professional Plus. Please use the assigned Student Login and Password to access the portal to download software.
To access for your student use their DCPS username and password.
Username: student number with an "s" in front
Password: Uppercase first letter of first name, birth date, lowercase first letter of last name, last 4 digits of SS#
Example: John Smith, born on March 1st, with SS# 123-45-6789
Username: s123456789
Password: J01s6789
Note: Duval County Public Schools does not provide support for installing software on home computers. Should assistance be required, please use the standard Microsoft support website. Installation of Windows on a Macintosh computer requires purchase of the optional physical media in order to perform the installation.