Ashytn Gattuccio, Director
Email Ashytn Gattuccio
Phone: 904-696-8754
Highlands Elementary Extended Day Program provides a safe environment for working parents to have their children. The program provides supervision by responsible, caring adults before the regular school hours. The program offers homework and indoor activities.
Days/Times of Operation
The Extended Day program shall operate only on days school is in session for students. The morning session begins at 7:00 a.m. The afternoon session begins at the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m.
Payment Information
(All fees are set by the Duval County School Board)
Each session runs for 20 school days (4 weeks).
A.M. session fee - $75.00; P.M. session fee - $135.00 ; A.M. and P.M. fee - $210.00
A $15 late fee will be added to payments after the 5th day of each payment due date
All balances must be current in order to receive Extended Day services.
Students who are ill should not be brought to the Extended Day Program. If a child becomes ill during the day, the parents will be notified and the student should be picked up.
Discipline Policy
The Extended Day Program reserves the right to suspend and/or expel a child from the program. Offenses are handled on an individual basis and the severity of the offense is taken into consideration.
Referral System
1st Offense: Conference with student.
2nd Offense: Conference with student and parent.
3rd Offense: 1-3 day suspension from the program.
4th Offense: Possible removal from the program.
Clothing and Personal Belongings
All personal belongings and clothing such as caps, sweaters, coats, and lunch boxes should be labeled with the student's name. We can NOT be responsible for lost items.