Multi-Cultural Day: “Traveling Through the United States of America”
This year for Multi-Cultural Day, each classroom selected a state to teach the school about. Students “traveled” through the United States of America by visiting each classroom and experiencing a tasting and hands-on opportunity. Below are samples of what the classrooms chose to present-- the students had a wonderful time!
In Room 1, the students visited Wyoming and enjoyed seeing the beautiful scenery of Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and tasting some delicious bison chili.
In Room 2, the students visited Minnesota. They were able to explore the twin cities, take a glimpse of the Mall of America, toss a football with the Vikings while learning facts and history, taste Jello salad, and use their hands to touch and feel wild rice.
When students visited Room 3, they learned about South Carolina. They were able to taste their state fruit in peach cobbler, feel their state bird, the Carolina Wren, and smell their state flower, the Yellow Jessamine.
Room 4 took students to Wisconsin. A visual display included state geography and state symbols for the students to explore. The students were able to taste cheese and activate switches to hear the sounds of the state, including the state song and voices of celebrities born there.
When students visited the state of West Virginia in Room 5, they met some coal miners and ate chocolate “coal.”
In Room 6, students learned about the North Carolina mountains and coast. They learned about the Diamond Shoals, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and Blackbeard the Pirate. Students were able to taste the state beverage, which is milk, and their state fruit, which is grapes.
When the students visited Room 9, they learned all about Kansas. They had the opportunity to see & touch items from the movie, “the wizard of oz,” and taste barbecue & other snacks.
The students visited Rhode Island when they stopped by Room 10. Rhode Island is the first home of Mr. Potato Head and the Little Red Hen. The students were able to “Taste the Ocean State” and visit Mr. Quahog.
When the students visited Vermont in Room 11, they learned fun facts, decorated a sensory teddy bear, and tasted maple.
When the students visited Colorado in Room 12, they were able to feel how cold snow is and taste doughnuts from Pikes Peak with elevation of 14,114’!
When The students visited room 13, they were able to experience Arizona through tasting black bean & corn salad, trying on traditional hats, exploring various plants, and enjoying traditional Arizona music & cultural items.
In Room 14, the students visited Indiana, where they were able to taste Indiana popcorn & corn muffins and activate switches to hear race cars and the Indiana State Song.
The students visited Nevada when they toured through Room 15/16. They searched for Las Vegas poker chips, activated a card shuffler, enjoyed multicolored lights, learned about the desert by exploring sand & rocks, and they tasted the state vegetable (onion) with french onion dip & Funyuns.
In Room 17, the students learned about Mississippi and were able to touch cotton and taste praline candy.
When the students visited Room 25, they were able to learn about Maryland. The students were able to view photos of Maryland, touch a real crab and taste crab cakes.
When the students visited Connecticut in Room 28, they were able to see the state flag, state bird, flower, and cookie, which is chocolate chip. The students met some famous people who came from Connecticut and learned other interesting facts.
The students were welcomed by Room 31 to visit Maine. They were able to learn about the state and during their visit they activated switches to turn on a lighthouse and tasted seafood and wild blueberries.
In Room 32, students visited Alabama. They were able to see a display on the birth of the civil rights movement, including seeing and hearing Rosa Parks say she will not give up her seat, taste blackberry upside down cake, and hear the song, “Sweet Home, Alabama.”
In the Gym Room, the students traveled to Illinois. They were able to play in the snow, taste Chicago pizza, and hear the Illinois state song.
Below are pictures of our celebration. Please enjoy our adventures.