Mt. Herman Playground
In 2015, we had a new completely accessible playground designed and installed for ALL of our students! The Rotatory Club of Deerwood, BYO (Beyond Your Ordinary) Playground Company, Action for Health Kids and Dr. Carol Motes-Wright have contributed so much to make the playground structure possible.
On, February 28, 2015 we had a Volunteer Workday. We were able to accomplish so much due to the kind donation of materials (plants, mulch, fence materials, screw, stepping stones and sand, etc.) by Aetna Dental Customer Service, Home Depot #272, Home Depot #6365, Lowe’s #2472, Medallion Nurseries, Proctor Ace Hardware and Wright-on Landscaping, INC.
On this day we also had a wonderful group of volunteers that made this project possible. Without this group, the day would never have been as successful. Thank you for your hard work and donation of time to help make our new playground safe, functional, and beautiful for our students. Although it was a cold and wet day, it was also such a wonderful day due to the generosity of the volunteers and the generosity of our business partners. The work completed will impact the lives of our students for decades to come.
Thank you!
Please enjoy the pictures of the playground in all its phases.