2023 - 2024 PTA Officers
Jillian Whittemore - PTA President
Kelli Carpenter - Communication Liaison
Email: Email Holiday Hill PTA
The Holiday Hill PTA welcomes you! We work hard to support our teachers, administrators, and school families, along with our amazing mix of neighborhood, magnet, and Gifted students. With your help, our PTA will continue to support our outstanding school. Through your generous donations of time, ideas, dues, and participation in fundraisers, our PTA provides the "extras" that tight school budgets do not allow.
We all know the positive impact made on our students when we are involved in their education. Our PTA sponsors, plans, and funds many events throughout the school year. Whether educational, informational, celebratory, or just for fun, you'll find that our events build lasting memories and friendships for your family and your students.
For example:
Facebook page to keep you informed of events, news, updates
Morning Mile
Nine Week Awards Ceremonies
BoxTops Awards parties and treats
Teacher supplies
Teacher Appreciation
Orientation and Open House
Health and Wellness Festival
School Dances
Holiday Program
School Beautification
Fifth Grade Graduation Ceremony
Your involvement and support makes programs like these a success at Holiday Hill and benefits your family and your students. If you'd like to volunteer to help with any of these events, please contact our PTA volunteer coordinator via our Facebook page, Holiday Hill Elementary PTA (only members can join the group), or by leaving a note with the front office, or chatting with us at any school event! The biggest benefit of your involvement will be the success you see in your student. Thank you for making a difference.